Centralt innehåll: Reception: Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion.
Bokläsningen pågår parallellt med moment och seminarier. Läsloggen lämnas in när läraren ber om det.
A reading log is here a summary of the chapters you have read in the book you have chosen. When you write a reading log for a chapter, you can write about what happens, what you thought of the chapter, and what you learned from it. There are several different ways to write a reading log, but the most important thing is that you write down your thoughts and reflections about the book.
Book title and author
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 1 and word list.
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 2 and word list.
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 3 and word list, etc
Xxxx xxx
(Källa: Skolforskningsinstitutet)
Aktivt lyssnande
Aktivt lyssnande kan göra det lättare för dig att hämta information från texten och fungerar som en memoreringsstrategi genom att du lättare kommer ihåg vad texten handlar om.
Läsa högt
Att läsa högt innebär att du använder din röst för att ljuda ut orden i texten för dig själv eller för någon annan. Härigenom kan du eventuellt lättare komma ihåg innehållet och identifiera relevant information.
Läsa om
Att läsa om används till exempel om du vid första genomläsningen hade bristande koncentration eller om texten hade en hög svårighetsgrad.
Stryka under
Stryka under innebär att markera information i texten.. Syftet är att hämta information och komma ihåg det som man har läst
Återberätta är en lässtrategi där du repeterar mer eller mindre exakt informationen från texten för att se vad hen kommer ihåg
Aktivera bakgrundskunskap
Syftet med att aktivera bakgrundskunskap är att koppla textinnehållet till tidigare kunskaper och läserfarenheter. Genom att aktivera bakgrundskunskap kan du mentalt använda idéer samt dra slutsatser som inte är tydligt angivna i texten för att skapa mening av texten du läser och försöka förstå det författaren önskar förmedla genom texten.
Finna luckor och göra inferenser (skapa sammanhang)
Att finna luckor och göra inferenser innebär att läsa mellan raderna medan man drar slutsatser som inte är tydligt angivna i texten.
Att klargöra innebär att reda ut oklarheter eller okända delar i en text. Det kan vara okända ord, meningar, avsnitt eller begrepp i texten.
Ställa och besvara frågor
Detta är en strategi där du formulerar frågor om viktiga saker i texten eller om saker som är oklara för dig under tiden som du läser. Du ställer till exempel frågor om vad, när, vem och varför till texten. Efter att du läst färdigt texten och lagt undan den försöker du besvara frågorna för att kontrollera att du förstått texten
Viktiga delar
Att fokusera på viktiga delar är en strategi som används för utvärdering av texten, där du är medveten om den del av texten som är mest meningsfull och relevant för uppgiften.
1. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 1 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Resonera: Integration
Centralt innehåll: ---
1.Vocabulary (B2, C1)
Annabel2.Grammar (B1, B2)
Can, could and would for invitations, offers, requests and permission3.Reading (B1)
Adventure travel4.Listening (B1)
Advice for exams5. Test
MOMENT 1 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Resonera: Friendship
Centralt innehåll: ---
We all depend on each other. We have close friends and more distance ones. They are all important
Write a text on friendship - both in general and on a personal level.
DISCUSS why friendship is important.
TITLE: Friendship
Write the text following one of the templates below.
Friendship means xxxx. Why is friendship important?
Friendship seems to be important because xxxx
Also, friendship seems to be important because xxxx
SLUTSATS (=slutresultatet av resonemanget)
I have with examples shown why friendship is important. My conclusion is xxx
MOMENT 1 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Speaking. Resonera: Integration
Centralt innehåll: ---
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of social integration
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
2. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 2 DEL 1 (Mindre stöd) Läsa. Resonera: Short story
Centralt innehåll: ---
1.Vocabulary (B2, C1)
Family2.Grammar (B1, B2)
Future forms3.Reading (B1)
Food restaurants4.Listening (B1)
Celebrations5. Test
MOMENT 2 DEL 2 (Mindre stöd) Skriva. Resonera: Short story
Centralt innehåll: ---
Loneliness is a person's feeling of disconnection from a group – whether friends, family, or wider society. Write a discussion text on loneliness - both in general and on a personal level.
DISCUSS why we sometimes feel a sense of loneliness.
TITLE: Loneliness
Write the text following one the templates below.
Loneliness means xxxx. Why do we sometimes feel a sense of loneliness?
We sometimes tend to feel a sense of loneliness because xxxx
Also, we sometimes tend to feel a sense of loneliness because xxxx
SLUTSATS (=slutresultatet av resonemanget)
I have with examples shown why we sometimes feel a sense of loneliness? My conclusion is xxx
MOMENT 2 DEL 3 (Mindre stöd) Speaking. Resonera: Short story
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of alienation
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
3. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 3 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Argumentera: Life on other planets
Centralt innehåll: ---
1.Vocabulary (B2, C1)
The beach2.Grammar (B1, B2)
Passive formsPresent perfect: simple and continuous
3.Reading (B1)
Friendship quizHow to be a safe and smart searcher
4.Listening (B1)
Favourite things5. Test
MOMENT 3 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Argumentera:
Centralt innehåll: ---
Life on other planets?
Life on other planets is a big question. People want to know if there are aliens out there, like in movies. But finding life in space is not easy. Scientists look for clues, like water and air. They use big telescopes and robots to help them look.
ARGUE in favour or against the likelihood of life on other planets.
TITLE: Life on other planets?
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Life On Other Planets?
Life on other planets means xxxx. Is there life on other planets?
I believe there is xxx life on other planets.
Firstly. I believe there is xxx life on other planets because xxxx
Secondly. I believe there is xxx life on other planets because xxxx
In summary. So, I believe there is xxx life on other planets.
MOMENT 3 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Speaking. Argumentera: Homosexuality And Adoption
Centralt innehåll: ---
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of life on other planets above
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
4. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 4 DEL 1 (Mindre stöd) Argumentera
Centralt innehåll: ---
1.Vocabulary (B2, C1)
The party2.Grammar (B1, B2)
Question tags3.Reading (B1)
Interview with Henry Smiles4.Listening (B1)
Llamas5. Test
MOMENT 4 DEL 2 (Mindre stöd) Skriva. Argumentera: Pet
Centralt innehåll: ---
In Sweden, drugs such as cannabis are prohibited. In some countries such as the Netherlands it is allowed. Should we allow drugs like cannabis in Sweden?
ARGUE in favour or against legalization on cannabis.
TITLE: Legalization on cannabis?
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Legalization of cannabis
Legalization of cannabis means xxxx. Should we allow drugs like cannabis?
I believe we should xxx allow cannabis.
Firstly. I believe we should xxx allow cannabis because xxxx
Secondly. I believe we should xxx allow cannabis because xxxx
In summary. So, I believe we should xxx allow cannabis.
MOMENT 4 DEL 3 (Mindrestöd) Speaking. Argumentera: Citizen Salary
Centralt innehåll: ---
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of citizen salary
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
5. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 5 DEL 1 Olika uppgifter 1
Centralt innehåll: ---
1.Vocabulary (B2, C1)
The project2.Grammar (B1, B2)
Reported speech3.Reading (B1)
Phone chatSkills for the 21st-century workplace
4.Listening (B1)
Organising your time5. Test
6. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 6 DEL 1 Olika uppgifter 2 (gram, read, list)
Centralt innehåll: ---
2.Grammar (B1, B2)
Used to3.Reading (B1)
The noticeboardTips for being a super-organised student
4.Listening (B1)
The weekend5. Test
Centralt innehåll: Reception: Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion.
Bokläsningen pågår parallellt med moment och seminarier. Läsloggen lämnas in när läraren ber om det.
A reading log is here a summary of the chapters you have read in the book you have chosen. When you write a reading log for a chapter, you can write about what happens, what you thought of the chapter, and what you learned from it. There are several different ways to write a reading log, but the most important thing is that you write down your thoughts and reflections about the book.
Book title and author
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 1 and word list.
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 2 and word list.
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 3 and word list, etc
Xxxx xxx
(Källa: Skolforskningsinstitutet)
Aktivt lyssnande
Aktivt lyssnande kan göra det lättare för dig att hämta information från texten och fungerar som en memoreringsstrategi genom att du lättare kommer ihåg vad texten handlar om.
Läsa högt
Att läsa högt innebär att du använder din röst för att ljuda ut orden i texten för dig själv eller för någon annan. Härigenom kan du eventuellt lättare komma ihåg innehållet och identifiera relevant information.
Läsa om
Att läsa om används till exempel om du vid första genomläsningen hade bristande koncentration eller om texten hade en hög svårighetsgrad.
Stryka under
Stryka under innebär att markera information i texten.. Syftet är att hämta information och komma ihåg det som man har läst
Återberätta är en lässtrategi där du repeterar mer eller mindre exakt informationen från texten för att se vad hen kommer ihåg
Aktivera bakgrundskunskap
Syftet med att aktivera bakgrundskunskap är att koppla textinnehållet till tidigare kunskaper och läserfarenheter. Genom att aktivera bakgrundskunskap kan du mentalt använda idéer samt dra slutsatser som inte är tydligt angivna i texten för att skapa mening av texten du läser och försöka förstå det författaren önskar förmedla genom texten.
Finna luckor och göra inferenser (skapa sammanhang)
Att finna luckor och göra inferenser innebär att läsa mellan raderna medan man drar slutsatser som inte är tydligt angivna i texten.
Att klargöra innebär att reda ut oklarheter eller okända delar i en text. Det kan vara okända ord, meningar, avsnitt eller begrepp i texten.
Ställa och besvara frågor
Detta är en strategi där du formulerar frågor om viktiga saker i texten eller om saker som är oklara för dig under tiden som du läser. Du ställer till exempel frågor om vad, när, vem och varför till texten. Efter att du läst färdigt texten och lagt undan den försöker du besvara frågorna för att kontrollera att du förstått texten
Viktiga delar
Att fokusera på viktiga delar är en strategi som används för utvärdering av texten, där du är medveten om den del av texten som är mest meningsfull och relevant för uppgiften.
1. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 1 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Resonera: Integration
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
In our world, there are many different kinds of people. We have people from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. But even though we are all different, there is something that can bring us together: social integration. Social integration means making friends and connecting with others who may be different from us. It's like making a big, friendly family where everyone feels like they belong. In this article, we will explore why social integration is important and how it can make our lives better.
What is Social Integration?
Social integration is like a puzzle. Imagine each person as a puzzle piece. When we come together and connect with others, it's like fitting these pieces together to create a beautiful picture. In simple words, it means becoming a part of a group or community and feeling like you belong there.
Why is Social Integration Important?
Feeling Happy: When we have friends and people we can talk to, we feel happier. Happiness comes from sharing experiences and feeling like we are not alone.
Learning from Each Other: When we meet people who are different from us, we can learn new things. They might have different customs, languages, and ideas. By getting to know them, we expand our knowledge and become more open-minded.
Support System: Friends and a social community can be like a safety net. When we face difficult times, they can help and support us. We can lean on them for help and advice.
Reducing Loneliness: Loneliness can make us sad and unhealthy. When we connect with others, we reduce loneliness. We have people to share our joys and sorrows with.
Building Trust: Trust is important in any relationship. When we integrate socially, we build trust with others. This trust can help us in many ways, from making new friends to getting a job.
Making the World Better: When different people come together, they can work on making the world a better place. They can solve problems, create new ideas, and promote peace.
How Can We Achieve Social Integration?
Social integration is something we can all work on. Here are some simple ways to achieve it:
Be Friendly: Smile and say "hello" to people you meet. Small gestures can go a long way in making friends.
Join Groups: Find groups or clubs that interest you. It could be a sports team, a hobby club, or a volunteering group. These are places where you can meet people who share your interests.
Listen and Talk: When you meet someone new, try to listen to them. Ask them questions and show interest in their stories. Sharing your own stories can also help create connections.
Respect Differences: Remember that everyone is unique. Respect their customs, beliefs, and opinions, even if they are different from yours.
Help Others: Offering a helping hand to someone in need can create strong bonds. Helping others shows that you care and are a kind person.
Be Patient: Building friendships takes time. Don't rush it. Be patient and let connections grow naturally.
The Benefits of Social Integration
Now that we know why social integration is important and how to achieve it, let's explore some of the wonderful benefits it brings into our lives:
1. A Stronger Support System
When we integrate socially, we build a network of friends and acquaintances. These people can be there for us in times of need. They can offer advice, a listening ear, or even a helping hand when we face challenges.
2. Enhanced Learning
Meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures allows us to learn about the world. We discover new foods, traditions, languages, and ideas. This knowledge broadens our horizons and makes us more understanding of the world's diversity.
3. Increased Happiness
Social integration leads to happiness. When we have friends and connections, we experience joy and contentment. Sharing laughter and good times with others makes life more enjoyable.
4. Better Mental and Emotional Health
Loneliness can harm our mental and emotional well-being. Social integration helps combat loneliness, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Friends provide emotional support and can boost our confidence.
5. Opportunities for Growth
Social integration opens doors to opportunities. You might meet someone who knows about a job opening, a new hobby, or a chance to travel. Building relationships can lead to exciting experiences and personal growth.
6. Stronger Communities
When people come together and integrate socially, they build stronger communities. These communities can work together to solve problems, create positive change, and make the world a better place.
In a world where we are all different, social integration is like the glue that holds us together. It makes us feel happy, supported, and connected. By being friendly, joining groups, listening, and respecting differences, we can achieve social integration and enjoy its many benefits. Remember, building relationships takes time, but it's worth the effort. So, go out there, make friends, and create a world where everyone feels like they belong. Together, we can build a brighter and more connected future.
Zoe Dawn
The Informer, 2023-10-05
1 What does social integration mean?
Svar xxx
2 Why is feeling happy a result of social integration?
Svar xxx
3 How can we expand our knowledge through social integration?
Svar xxx
4 What role can friends and a social community play in our lives during difficult times?
Svar xxx
5 Why is trust important in relationships?
Svar xxx
6 What is one way to combat loneliness through social integration?
Svar xxx
7 How can we show respect for others during social integration?
Svar xxx
8 Why should we be patient when building friendships?
Svar xxx
9 What are some benefits of social integration mentioned in the text?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 1 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Resonera: Integration
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
In our world, there are many different kinds of people. We have people from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. But even though we are all different, there is something that can bring us together: social integration. Social integration means making friends and connecting with others who may be different from us. It's like making a big, friendly family where everyone feels like they belong. In this article, we will explore why social integration is important and how it can make our lives better.
What is Social Integration?
Social integration is like a puzzle. Imagine each person as a puzzle piece. When we come together and connect with others, it's like fitting these pieces together to create a beautiful picture. In simple words, it means becoming a part of a group or community and feeling like you belong there.
Why is Social Integration Important?
Feeling Happy: When we have friends and people we can talk to, we feel happier. Happiness comes from sharing experiences and feeling like we are not alone.
Learning from Each Other: When we meet people who are different from us, we can learn new things. They might have different customs, languages, and ideas. By getting to know them, we expand our knowledge and become more open-minded.
Support System: Friends and a social community can be like a safety net. When we face difficult times, they can help and support us. We can lean on them for help and advice.
Reducing Loneliness: Loneliness can make us sad and unhealthy. When we connect with others, we reduce loneliness. We have people to share our joys and sorrows with.
Building Trust: Trust is important in any relationship. When we integrate socially, we build trust with others. This trust can help us in many ways, from making new friends to getting a job.
Making the World Better: When different people come together, they can work on making the world a better place. They can solve problems, create new ideas, and promote peace.
How Can We Achieve Social Integration?
Social integration is something we can all work on. Here are some simple ways to achieve it:
Be Friendly: Smile and say "hello" to people you meet. Small gestures can go a long way in making friends.
Join Groups: Find groups or clubs that interest you. It could be a sports team, a hobby club, or a volunteering group. These are places where you can meet people who share your interests.
Listen and Talk: When you meet someone new, try to listen to them. Ask them questions and show interest in their stories. Sharing your own stories can also help create connections.
Respect Differences: Remember that everyone is unique. Respect their customs, beliefs, and opinions, even if they are different from yours.
Help Others: Offering a helping hand to someone in need can create strong bonds. Helping others shows that you care and are a kind person.
Be Patient: Building friendships takes time. Don't rush it. Be patient and let connections grow naturally.
The Benefits of Social Integration
Now that we know why social integration is important and how to achieve it, let's explore some of the wonderful benefits it brings into our lives:
1. A Stronger Support System
When we integrate socially, we build a network of friends and acquaintances. These people can be there for us in times of need. They can offer advice, a listening ear, or even a helping hand when we face challenges.
2. Enhanced Learning
Meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures allows us to learn about the world. We discover new foods, traditions, languages, and ideas. This knowledge broadens our horizons and makes us more understanding of the world's diversity.
3. Increased Happiness
Social integration leads to happiness. When we have friends and connections, we experience joy and contentment. Sharing laughter and good times with others makes life more enjoyable.
4. Better Mental and Emotional Health
Loneliness can harm our mental and emotional well-being. Social integration helps combat loneliness, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Friends provide emotional support and can boost our confidence.
5. Opportunities for Growth
Social integration opens doors to opportunities. You might meet someone who knows about a job opening, a new hobby, or a chance to travel. Building relationships can lead to exciting experiences and personal growth.
6. Stronger Communities
When people come together and integrate socially, they build stronger communities. These communities can work together to solve problems, create positive change, and make the world a better place.
In a world where we are all different, social integration is like the glue that holds us together. It makes us feel happy, supported, and connected. By being friendly, joining groups, listening, and respecting differences, we can achieve social integration and enjoy its many benefits. Remember, building relationships takes time, but it's worth the effort. So, go out there, make friends, and create a world where everyone feels like they belong. Together, we can build a brighter and more connected future.
Zoe Dawn
The Informer, 2023-10-05
In our world, there are many different kinds of people. We have people from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. But even though we are all different, there is something that can bring us together: social integration.
Write a text on integration - both in general and on a personal level.
DISCUSS why does integration seems to be important.
TITLE: Integration
Write the text following one of the templates below.
Integration means xxxx. Why is integration important?
Integration seems to be importantr because xxxx
In the article "Integration" by Zoe Dawn (The Informer, 2023-10-05) xxx
Also, integration seems to be important because xxxx
SLUTSATS (=slutresultatet av resonemanget)
I have with examples shown why integration is important. My conclusion is xxx
Example: Writing a discussion text
This is an approriate TITLE as it informs the reader what the text is about.
This paragraph consists of an appropriate INTRODUCTION as it is a general description of what the text will be about. The introduction also contains a QUESTION.
This paragraph ANSWERS the QUESTION and turns the answer into a CLAIM.
This paragraph DEVELOPS THE CLAIM.
In this paragraph the author draws a CONCLUSION.
In this paragraph the author EVALUATES the CONCLUSION she has drawn by giving a different perspective.
This paragraph consists of an approriate ending that LINKS BACK TO THE INTRODUCTION and ANSWERS THE QUESTION - a second time.
MOMENT 1 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Speaking. Resonera: Integration
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
In our world, there are many different kinds of people. We have people from different countries, backgrounds, and cultures. But even though we are all different, there is something that can bring us together: social integration. Social integration means making friends and connecting with others who may be different from us. It's like making a big, friendly family where everyone feels like they belong. In this article, we will explore why social integration is important and how it can make our lives better.
What is Social Integration?
Social integration is like a puzzle. Imagine each person as a puzzle piece. When we come together and connect with others, it's like fitting these pieces together to create a beautiful picture. In simple words, it means becoming a part of a group or community and feeling like you belong there.
Why is Social Integration Important?
Feeling Happy: When we have friends and people we can talk to, we feel happier. Happiness comes from sharing experiences and feeling like we are not alone.
Learning from Each Other: When we meet people who are different from us, we can learn new things. They might have different customs, languages, and ideas. By getting to know them, we expand our knowledge and become more open-minded.
Support System: Friends and a social community can be like a safety net. When we face difficult times, they can help and support us. We can lean on them for help and advice.
Reducing Loneliness: Loneliness can make us sad and unhealthy. When we connect with others, we reduce loneliness. We have people to share our joys and sorrows with.
Building Trust: Trust is important in any relationship. When we integrate socially, we build trust with others. This trust can help us in many ways, from making new friends to getting a job.
Making the World Better: When different people come together, they can work on making the world a better place. They can solve problems, create new ideas, and promote peace.
How Can We Achieve Social Integration?
Social integration is something we can all work on. Here are some simple ways to achieve it:
Be Friendly: Smile and say "hello" to people you meet. Small gestures can go a long way in making friends.
Join Groups: Find groups or clubs that interest you. It could be a sports team, a hobby club, or a volunteering group. These are places where you can meet people who share your interests.
Listen and Talk: When you meet someone new, try to listen to them. Ask them questions and show interest in their stories. Sharing your own stories can also help create connections.
Respect Differences: Remember that everyone is unique. Respect their customs, beliefs, and opinions, even if they are different from yours.
Help Others: Offering a helping hand to someone in need can create strong bonds. Helping others shows that you care and are a kind person.
Be Patient: Building friendships takes time. Don't rush it. Be patient and let connections grow naturally.
The Benefits of Social Integration
Now that we know why social integration is important and how to achieve it, let's explore some of the wonderful benefits it brings into our lives:
1. A Stronger Support System
When we integrate socially, we build a network of friends and acquaintances. These people can be there for us in times of need. They can offer advice, a listening ear, or even a helping hand when we face challenges.
2. Enhanced Learning
Meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures allows us to learn about the world. We discover new foods, traditions, languages, and ideas. This knowledge broadens our horizons and makes us more understanding of the world's diversity.
3. Increased Happiness
Social integration leads to happiness. When we have friends and connections, we experience joy and contentment. Sharing laughter and good times with others makes life more enjoyable.
4. Better Mental and Emotional Health
Loneliness can harm our mental and emotional well-being. Social integration helps combat loneliness, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Friends provide emotional support and can boost our confidence.
5. Opportunities for Growth
Social integration opens doors to opportunities. You might meet someone who knows about a job opening, a new hobby, or a chance to travel. Building relationships can lead to exciting experiences and personal growth.
6. Stronger Communities
When people come together and integrate socially, they build stronger communities. These communities can work together to solve problems, create positive change, and make the world a better place.
In a world where we are all different, social integration is like the glue that holds us together. It makes us feel happy, supported, and connected. By being friendly, joining groups, listening, and respecting differences, we can achieve social integration and enjoy its many benefits. Remember, building relationships takes time, but it's worth the effort. So, go out there, make friends, and create a world where everyone feels like they belong. Together, we can build a brighter and more connected future.
Zoe Dawn
The Informer, 2023-10-05
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of one of the texts above
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
2. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 2 DEL 1 (Mindre stöd) Läsa. Resonera: Short story
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Highlands, by Bob Dylan
Well my heart's in The Highlands, gentle and fair Honeysuckle blooming in the wildwood air Bluebells blazing where the Aberdeen waters flow Well my heart's in The Highlands I'm gonna go there when I feel good enough to go
Windows were shaking all night in my dreams Everything was exactly the way that it seems Woke up this mornin' and I looked at the same old page Same old rat race, life in the same old cage I don't want nothin' from anyone, ain't that much to take Wouldn't know the difference between a real blonde and a fake Feel like a prisoner in a world of mystery I wish someone'd come and push back the clock for me
Well my heart's in The Highlands wherever I roam That's where I'll be when I get called home The wind it whispers to the buckeye trees of rhyme Well, my heart's in The Highlands I can only get there one step at a time I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound Someone's always yellin' "Turn it down" Feel like I'm driftin', driftin' from scene to scene I'm wonderin' what in the devil could it all possibly mean
Insanity is smashin' up against my soul You could say I was on anything but a roll If I had a conscience, well I just might blow my top What would I do with it anyway, maybe take it to the pawn shop? My heart's in The Highlands at the break of dawn By the beautiful lake of the Black Swan Big white clouds like chariots that swing down low Well my heart's in The Highlands, only place left to go
I'm in Boston town in some restaurant I got no idea what I want Or maybe I do but I'm just really not sure Waitress comes over, nobody in the place but me and her Well it must be a holiday, there's nobody around She studies me closely as I sit down She got a pretty face and long white shiny legs
I said "Tell me what I want" She say "You probably want hard boiled eggs" I said "That's right, bring me some" She says "We ain't got any, you picked the wrong time to come" Then she says "I know you're an artist, draw a picture of me" I said "I would if I could but I don't do sketches from memory" Well she's there, she says "I'm right here in front of you Or haven't you looked?"
I say "All right, I know but I don't have my drawin' book" She gives me a napkin, she say "You can do it on that" I say "Yes I could but I don't know where my pencil is at" She pulls one out from behind her ear She says "Alright now go ahead draw me I'm stayin' right here" I make a few lines and I show it for her to see Well she takes the napkin and throws it back and says "That don't look a thing like me"
I said "Oh kind miss, it most certainly does" She say "You must be joking", I said "I wish I was" She says "You don't read women authors do ya?" At least that's what I think I hear her say Well I say "How would you know, and what would it matter anyway?" Well she says "Ya just don't seem like ya do" I said "You're way wrong" She says "Which ones have you read then?", I say "Read Erica Jong" She goes away for a minute, and I slide out, out of my chair I step outside back to the busy street, but nobody's goin' anywhere
Well my heart's in The Highlands with the horses and hounds Way up in the border country far from the towns With the twang of the arrow and the snap of the bow My heart's in The Highlands, can't see any other way to go Every day is the same thing, out the door Feel further away than ever before Some things in life it just gets too late to learn Well I'm lost somewhere, I must have made a few bad turns
I see people in the park, forgettin' their troubles and woes They're drinkin' and dancin', wearin' bright colored clothes All the young men with the young women lookin' so good Well, I'd trade places with any of 'em, in a minute if I could I'm crossin' the street to get away from a mangy dog Talkin' to myself in a monologue I think what I need might be a full-length leather coat Somebody just asked me if I'm registered to vote
The sun is beginnin' to shine on me But it's not like the sun that used to be The party's over and there's less and less to say I got new eyes, everything looks far away Well my heart's in The Highlands at the break of day Over the hills and far away There's a way to get there, and I'll figure it out somehow Well I'm already there in my mind and that's good enough for now
1 Who is the speaker referring to when he says, "Well, my heart's in The Highlands"?
Svar xxx
2 What natural elements are mentioned in the song as being present in The Highlands?
Svar xxx
3 How does the speaker feel about his current life situation?
Svar xxx
4 What is the significance of the line, "Insanity is smashin' up against my soul"?
Svar xxx
5 What does the speaker request from a waitress in a restaurant?
Svar xxx
6 How does the waitress react to the speaker's attempt at drawing her?
Svar xxx
7 What does the speaker reveal about his reading preferences when asked by the waitress?
Svar xxx
8 What observation does the speaker make about people in the park?
Svar xxx
9 How does the song conclude, and what does the speaker express in the final lines?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 2 DEL 2 (Mindre stöd) Skriva. Resonera: Short story
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Highlands, by Bob Dylan
Well my heart's in The Highlands, gentle and fair Honeysuckle blooming in the wildwood air Bluebells blazing where the Aberdeen waters flow Well my heart's in The Highlands I'm gonna go there when I feel good enough to go
Windows were shaking all night in my dreams Everything was exactly the way that it seems Woke up this mornin' and I looked at the same old page Same old rat race, life in the same old cage I don't want nothin' from anyone, ain't that much to take Wouldn't know the difference between a real blonde and a fake Feel like a prisoner in a world of mystery I wish someone'd come and push back the clock for me
Well my heart's in The Highlands wherever I roam That's where I'll be when I get called home The wind it whispers to the buckeye trees of rhyme Well, my heart's in The Highlands I can only get there one step at a time I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound Someone's always yellin' "Turn it down" Feel like I'm driftin', driftin' from scene to scene I'm wonderin' what in the devil could it all possibly mean
Insanity is smashin' up against my soul You could say I was on anything but a roll If I had a conscience, well I just might blow my top What would I do with it anyway, maybe take it to the pawn shop? My heart's in The Highlands at the break of dawn By the beautiful lake of the Black Swan Big white clouds like chariots that swing down low Well my heart's in The Highlands, only place left to go
I'm in Boston town in some restaurant I got no idea what I want Or maybe I do but I'm just really not sure Waitress comes over, nobody in the place but me and her Well it must be a holiday, there's nobody around She studies me closely as I sit down She got a pretty face and long white shiny legs
I said "Tell me what I want" She say "You probably want hard boiled eggs" I said "That's right, bring me some" She says "We ain't got any, you picked the wrong time to come" Then she says "I know you're an artist, draw a picture of me" I said "I would if I could but I don't do sketches from memory" Well she's there, she says "I'm right here in front of you Or haven't you looked?"
I say "All right, I know but I don't have my drawin' book" She gives me a napkin, she say "You can do it on that" I say "Yes I could but I don't know where my pencil is at" She pulls one out from behind her ear She says "Alright now go ahead draw me I'm stayin' right here" I make a few lines and I show it for her to see Well she takes the napkin and throws it back and says "That don't look a thing like me"
I said "Oh kind miss, it most certainly does" She say "You must be joking", I said "I wish I was" She says "You don't read women authors do ya?" At least that's what I think I hear her say Well I say "How would you know, and what would it matter anyway?" Well she says "Ya just don't seem like ya do" I said "You're way wrong" She says "Which ones have you read then?", I say "Read Erica Jong" She goes away for a minute, and I slide out, out of my chair I step outside back to the busy street, but nobody's goin' anywhere
Well my heart's in The Highlands with the horses and hounds Way up in the border country far from the towns With the twang of the arrow and the snap of the bow My heart's in The Highlands, can't see any other way to go Every day is the same thing, out the door Feel further away than ever before Some things in life it just gets too late to learn Well I'm lost somewhere, I must have made a few bad turns
I see people in the park, forgettin' their troubles and woes They're drinkin' and dancin', wearin' bright colored clothes All the young men with the young women lookin' so good Well, I'd trade places with any of 'em, in a minute if I could I'm crossin' the street to get away from a mangy dog Talkin' to myself in a monologue I think what I need might be a full-length leather coat Somebody just asked me if I'm registered to vote
The sun is beginnin' to shine on me But it's not like the sun that used to be The party's over and there's less and less to say I got new eyes, everything looks far away Well my heart's in The Highlands at the break of day Over the hills and far away There's a way to get there, and I'll figure it out somehow Well I'm already there in my mind and that's good enough for now
Social alienation is a person's feeling of disconnection from a group – whether friends, family, or wider society – to which the individual has an affinity. Write a discussion text on alienation - both in general and on a personal level.
DISCUSS why we sometimes feel a sense of alienation.
TITLE: Alienation
Write the text following one the templates below.
Alienation means xxxx. Why do we sometimes feel a sense of alienation?
We sometimes tend to feel a sense of alienation because xxxx
In Bob Dylans's song "The highlands" xxx
Also, we sometimes tend to feel a sense of alienation because xxxx
SLUTSATS (=slutresultatet av resonemanget)
I have with examples shown why we sometimes feel a sense of alienation? My conclusion is xxx
Example: Writing a discussion text
This is an approriate TITLE as it informs the reader what the text is about.
This paragraph consists of an appropriate INTRODUCTION as it is a general description of what the text will be about. The introduction also contains a QUESTION.
This paragraph ANSWERS the QUESTION and turns the answer into a CLAIM.
This paragraph DEVELOPS THE CLAIM.
In this paragraph the author draws a CONCLUSION.
In this paragraph the author EVALUATES the CONCLUSION she has drawn by giving a different perspective.
This paragraph consists of an approriate ending that LINKS BACK TO THE INTRODUCTION and ANSWERS THE QUESTION - a second time.
MOMENT 2 DEL 3 (Mindre stöd) Speaking. Resonera: Short story
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Highlands, by Bob Dylan
Well my heart's in The Highlands, gentle and fair Honeysuckle blooming in the wildwood air Bluebells blazing where the Aberdeen waters flow Well my heart's in The Highlands I'm gonna go there when I feel good enough to go
Windows were shaking all night in my dreams Everything was exactly the way that it seems Woke up this mornin' and I looked at the same old page Same old rat race, life in the same old cage I don't want nothin' from anyone, ain't that much to take Wouldn't know the difference between a real blonde and a fake Feel like a prisoner in a world of mystery I wish someone'd come and push back the clock for me
Well my heart's in The Highlands wherever I roam That's where I'll be when I get called home The wind it whispers to the buckeye trees of rhyme Well, my heart's in The Highlands I can only get there one step at a time I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound Someone's always yellin' "Turn it down" Feel like I'm driftin', driftin' from scene to scene I'm wonderin' what in the devil could it all possibly mean
Insanity is smashin' up against my soul You could say I was on anything but a roll If I had a conscience, well I just might blow my top What would I do with it anyway, maybe take it to the pawn shop? My heart's in The Highlands at the break of dawn By the beautiful lake of the Black Swan Big white clouds like chariots that swing down low Well my heart's in The Highlands, only place left to go
I'm in Boston town in some restaurant I got no idea what I want Or maybe I do but I'm just really not sure Waitress comes over, nobody in the place but me and her Well it must be a holiday, there's nobody around She studies me closely as I sit down She got a pretty face and long white shiny legs
I said "Tell me what I want" She say "You probably want hard boiled eggs" I said "That's right, bring me some" She says "We ain't got any, you picked the wrong time to come" Then she says "I know you're an artist, draw a picture of me" I said "I would if I could but I don't do sketches from memory" Well she's there, she says "I'm right here in front of you Or haven't you looked?"
I say "All right, I know but I don't have my drawin' book" She gives me a napkin, she say "You can do it on that" I say "Yes I could but I don't know where my pencil is at" She pulls one out from behind her ear She says "Alright now go ahead draw me I'm stayin' right here" I make a few lines and I show it for her to see Well she takes the napkin and throws it back and says "That don't look a thing like me"
I said "Oh kind miss, it most certainly does" She say "You must be joking", I said "I wish I was" She says "You don't read women authors do ya?" At least that's what I think I hear her say Well I say "How would you know, and what would it matter anyway?" Well she says "Ya just don't seem like ya do" I said "You're way wrong" She says "Which ones have you read then?", I say "Read Erica Jong" She goes away for a minute, and I slide out, out of my chair I step outside back to the busy street, but nobody's goin' anywhere
Well my heart's in The Highlands with the horses and hounds Way up in the border country far from the towns With the twang of the arrow and the snap of the bow My heart's in The Highlands, can't see any other way to go Every day is the same thing, out the door Feel further away than ever before Some things in life it just gets too late to learn Well I'm lost somewhere, I must have made a few bad turns
I see people in the park, forgettin' their troubles and woes They're drinkin' and dancin', wearin' bright colored clothes All the young men with the young women lookin' so good Well, I'd trade places with any of 'em, in a minute if I could I'm crossin' the street to get away from a mangy dog Talkin' to myself in a monologue I think what I need might be a full-length leather coat Somebody just asked me if I'm registered to vote
The sun is beginnin' to shine on me But it's not like the sun that used to be The party's over and there's less and less to say I got new eyes, everything looks far away Well my heart's in The Highlands at the break of day Over the hills and far away There's a way to get there, and I'll figure it out somehow Well I'm already there in my mind and that's good enough for now
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of one of the texts above
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
3. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 3 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Argumentera: Homosexuality And Adoption
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Life on Other Planets? Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Arguments for the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Vastness of the Universe: The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and potentially even more planets. The sheer number of planets increases the likelihood that conditions suitable for life exist elsewhere.
Extremophiles on Earth: Life on Earth exists in extreme environments previously thought to be inhospitable. The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme conditions, suggests that life may adapt to various environments on other planets.
Water and Organic Molecules: Water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and scientists have found evidence of water on Mars and certain moons in our solar system. Additionally, organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been detected in various space environments.
Exoplanet Discoveries: Advances in technology, particularly in the field of exoplanet discovery, have revealed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. Some of these planets are located in the habitable zone, where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a key ingredient for life.
Possibility of Microbial Life: Scientists speculate that if life exists on other planets, it might be microbial in nature. Microbes are hardy and adaptable, making them potentially capable of surviving in a variety of extraterrestrial environments.
Arguments Against the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Lack of Direct Evidence: Despite extensive efforts and advancements in space exploration, there is currently no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life. The absence of conclusive proof remains a significant challenge to the belief in widespread life beyond Earth.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Many celestial bodies, including Mars and moons like Europa and Enceladus, have extreme environmental conditions, such as low temperatures, high radiation, and lack of a stable atmosphere. These conditions make it challenging for complex life forms to exist.
Unique Conditions for Earthly Life: Earth has a unique set of conditions that have allowed for the development and sustenance of diverse forms of life. The combination of factors, including a stable climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere, may be rare in the universe.
Limits of Adaptability: While extremophiles on Earth can survive in extreme conditions, there may be limits to the adaptability of life. The conditions on some planets or moons may be too extreme, even for extremophiles, making the existence of complex life less likely.
Fermi Paradox: The Fermi Paradox poses the question of why, given the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe, we have not yet observed any clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This apparent contradiction raises questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life elsewhere.
It's important to note that these arguments are based on our current understanding of science and the universe, and ongoing research and future discoveries may provide new insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Roger Wall
The Planet, 2023-10-05
1 What is the significance of the vastness of the universe in discussions about the potential for life on other planets?
Svar xxx
2 How do extremophiles on Earth contribute to the argument for the existence of life on other planets?
Svar xxx
3 Why is water considered a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and how has its presence on Mars and other celestial bodies influenced the search for extraterrestrial life?
Svar xxx
4 In what ways have advancements in exoplanet discoveries contributed to the exploration of the possibility of life beyond Earth?
Svar xxx
5 Why is the possibility of microbial life often emphasized when discussing the potential existence of extraterrestrial life?
Svar xxx
6 What challenges do harsh environmental conditions, such as low temperatures and high radiation, pose to the existence of complex life forms on other planets and moons?
Svar xxx
7 How does the unique set of conditions on Earth contribute to the argument against the widespread existence of life in the universe?
Svar xxx
8 What is the Fermi Paradox, and how does it introduce questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life beyond Earth?
Svar xxx
9 How does the absence of direct evidence of extraterrestrial life remain a significant challenge to the belief in life beyond Earth, despite extensive efforts in space exploration?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 3 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Argumentera: Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Life on Other Planets? Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Arguments for the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Vastness of the Universe: The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and potentially even more planets. The sheer number of planets increases the likelihood that conditions suitable for life exist elsewhere.
Extremophiles on Earth: Life on Earth exists in extreme environments previously thought to be inhospitable. The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme conditions, suggests that life may adapt to various environments on other planets.
Water and Organic Molecules: Water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and scientists have found evidence of water on Mars and certain moons in our solar system. Additionally, organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been detected in various space environments.
Exoplanet Discoveries: Advances in technology, particularly in the field of exoplanet discovery, have revealed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. Some of these planets are located in the habitable zone, where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a key ingredient for life.
Possibility of Microbial Life: Scientists speculate that if life exists on other planets, it might be microbial in nature. Microbes are hardy and adaptable, making them potentially capable of surviving in a variety of extraterrestrial environments.
Arguments Against the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Lack of Direct Evidence: Despite extensive efforts and advancements in space exploration, there is currently no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life. The absence of conclusive proof remains a significant challenge to the belief in widespread life beyond Earth.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Many celestial bodies, including Mars and moons like Europa and Enceladus, have extreme environmental conditions, such as low temperatures, high radiation, and lack of a stable atmosphere. These conditions make it challenging for complex life forms to exist.
Unique Conditions for Earthly Life: Earth has a unique set of conditions that have allowed for the development and sustenance of diverse forms of life. The combination of factors, including a stable climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere, may be rare in the universe.
Limits of Adaptability: While extremophiles on Earth can survive in extreme conditions, there may be limits to the adaptability of life. The conditions on some planets or moons may be too extreme, even for extremophiles, making the existence of complex life less likely.
Fermi Paradox: The Fermi Paradox poses the question of why, given the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe, we have not yet observed any clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This apparent contradiction raises questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life elsewhere.
It's important to note that these arguments are based on our current understanding of science and the universe, and ongoing research and future discoveries may provide new insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Roger Wall
The Planet, 2023-10-05
Life on other planets?
Life on other planets is a big question. People want to know if there are aliens out there, like in movies. But finding life in space is not easy. Scientists look for clues, like water and air. They use big telescopes and robots to help them look.
ARGUE in favour or against the likelihood of life on other planets.
TITLE: Life on other planets?
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Life On Other Planets?
Life on other planets means xxxx. Is there life on other planets?
I believe there is xxx life on other planets.
Firstly. I believe there is xxx life on other planets because xxxx
In the article Life On Other Planets by Roger Wall (The Planet. 2023-10-05) it says among other things that xxxx
Secondly. I believe there is xxx life on other planets because xxxx
In summary. So, I believe there is xxx life on other planets.
Exempel: Writing argumentative text - Take a position on whether...
Detta är en passande RUBRIK eftersom den informerar läsaren vad texten handlar om
Detta stycket består av en passande INLEDNING eftersom den ger läsaren bakgrundsinformation. Inledningen innehåller också ett motargument och en FRÅGA.
Detta stycket BESVARAR FRÅGAN och svaret blir ett PÅSTÅENDE.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 1 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 1 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 2 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 2 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket INNEHÅLLER ARGUMENT 3 för påståendet.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 3 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket består av ett passande avslut eftersom det ÅTERKNYTER TILL INLEDNINGEN och BESVARAR FRÅGAN ännu en gång.
MOMENT 3 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Speaking. Argumentera: Homosexuality And Adoption
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Life on Other Planets? Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Arguments for the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Vastness of the Universe: The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and potentially even more planets. The sheer number of planets increases the likelihood that conditions suitable for life exist elsewhere.
Extremophiles on Earth: Life on Earth exists in extreme environments previously thought to be inhospitable. The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme conditions, suggests that life may adapt to various environments on other planets.
Water and Organic Molecules: Water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and scientists have found evidence of water on Mars and certain moons in our solar system. Additionally, organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been detected in various space environments.
Exoplanet Discoveries: Advances in technology, particularly in the field of exoplanet discovery, have revealed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. Some of these planets are located in the habitable zone, where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a key ingredient for life.
Possibility of Microbial Life: Scientists speculate that if life exists on other planets, it might be microbial in nature. Microbes are hardy and adaptable, making them potentially capable of surviving in a variety of extraterrestrial environments.
Arguments Against the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Lack of Direct Evidence: Despite extensive efforts and advancements in space exploration, there is currently no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life. The absence of conclusive proof remains a significant challenge to the belief in widespread life beyond Earth.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Many celestial bodies, including Mars and moons like Europa and Enceladus, have extreme environmental conditions, such as low temperatures, high radiation, and lack of a stable atmosphere. These conditions make it challenging for complex life forms to exist.
Unique Conditions for Earthly Life: Earth has a unique set of conditions that have allowed for the development and sustenance of diverse forms of life. The combination of factors, including a stable climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere, may be rare in the universe.
Limits of Adaptability: While extremophiles on Earth can survive in extreme conditions, there may be limits to the adaptability of life. The conditions on some planets or moons may be too extreme, even for extremophiles, making the existence of complex life less likely.
Fermi Paradox: The Fermi Paradox poses the question of why, given the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe, we have not yet observed any clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This apparent contradiction raises questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life elsewhere.
It's important to note that these arguments are based on our current understanding of science and the universe, and ongoing research and future discoveries may provide new insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Roger Wall
The Planet, 2023-10-05
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of one of the texts above
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
3. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 3 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Argumentera: Homosexuality And Adoption
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Life on Other Planets? Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Arguments for the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Vastness of the Universe: The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and potentially even more planets. The sheer number of planets increases the likelihood that conditions suitable for life exist elsewhere.
Extremophiles on Earth: Life on Earth exists in extreme environments previously thought to be inhospitable. The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme conditions, suggests that life may adapt to various environments on other planets.
Water and Organic Molecules: Water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and scientists have found evidence of water on Mars and certain moons in our solar system. Additionally, organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been detected in various space environments.
Exoplanet Discoveries: Advances in technology, particularly in the field of exoplanet discovery, have revealed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. Some of these planets are located in the habitable zone, where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a key ingredient for life.
Possibility of Microbial Life: Scientists speculate that if life exists on other planets, it might be microbial in nature. Microbes are hardy and adaptable, making them potentially capable of surviving in a variety of extraterrestrial environments.
Arguments Against the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Lack of Direct Evidence: Despite extensive efforts and advancements in space exploration, there is currently no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life. The absence of conclusive proof remains a significant challenge to the belief in widespread life beyond Earth.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Many celestial bodies, including Mars and moons like Europa and Enceladus, have extreme environmental conditions, such as low temperatures, high radiation, and lack of a stable atmosphere. These conditions make it challenging for complex life forms to exist.
Unique Conditions for Earthly Life: Earth has a unique set of conditions that have allowed for the development and sustenance of diverse forms of life. The combination of factors, including a stable climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere, may be rare in the universe.
Limits of Adaptability: While extremophiles on Earth can survive in extreme conditions, there may be limits to the adaptability of life. The conditions on some planets or moons may be too extreme, even for extremophiles, making the existence of complex life less likely.
Fermi Paradox: The Fermi Paradox poses the question of why, given the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe, we have not yet observed any clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This apparent contradiction raises questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life elsewhere.
It's important to note that these arguments are based on our current understanding of science and the universe, and ongoing research and future discoveries may provide new insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Roger Wall
The Planet, 2023-10-05
1 What is the significance of the vastness of the universe in discussions about the potential for life on other planets?
Svar xxx
2 How do extremophiles on Earth contribute to the argument for the existence of life on other planets?
Svar xxx
3 Why is water considered a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and how has its presence on Mars and other celestial bodies influenced the search for extraterrestrial life?
Svar xxx
4 In what ways have advancements in exoplanet discoveries contributed to the exploration of the possibility of life beyond Earth?
Svar xxx
5 Why is the possibility of microbial life often emphasized when discussing the potential existence of extraterrestrial life?
Svar xxx
6 What challenges do harsh environmental conditions, such as low temperatures and high radiation, pose to the existence of complex life forms on other planets and moons?
Svar xxx
7 How does the unique set of conditions on Earth contribute to the argument against the widespread existence of life in the universe?
Svar xxx
8 What is the Fermi Paradox, and how does it introduce questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life beyond Earth?
Svar xxx
9 How does the absence of direct evidence of extraterrestrial life remain a significant challenge to the belief in life beyond Earth, despite extensive efforts in space exploration?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 3 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Argumentera: Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Life on Other Planets? Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Arguments for the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Vastness of the Universe: The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and potentially even more planets. The sheer number of planets increases the likelihood that conditions suitable for life exist elsewhere.
Extremophiles on Earth: Life on Earth exists in extreme environments previously thought to be inhospitable. The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme conditions, suggests that life may adapt to various environments on other planets.
Water and Organic Molecules: Water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and scientists have found evidence of water on Mars and certain moons in our solar system. Additionally, organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been detected in various space environments.
Exoplanet Discoveries: Advances in technology, particularly in the field of exoplanet discovery, have revealed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. Some of these planets are located in the habitable zone, where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a key ingredient for life.
Possibility of Microbial Life: Scientists speculate that if life exists on other planets, it might be microbial in nature. Microbes are hardy and adaptable, making them potentially capable of surviving in a variety of extraterrestrial environments.
Arguments Against the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Lack of Direct Evidence: Despite extensive efforts and advancements in space exploration, there is currently no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life. The absence of conclusive proof remains a significant challenge to the belief in widespread life beyond Earth.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Many celestial bodies, including Mars and moons like Europa and Enceladus, have extreme environmental conditions, such as low temperatures, high radiation, and lack of a stable atmosphere. These conditions make it challenging for complex life forms to exist.
Unique Conditions for Earthly Life: Earth has a unique set of conditions that have allowed for the development and sustenance of diverse forms of life. The combination of factors, including a stable climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere, may be rare in the universe.
Limits of Adaptability: While extremophiles on Earth can survive in extreme conditions, there may be limits to the adaptability of life. The conditions on some planets or moons may be too extreme, even for extremophiles, making the existence of complex life less likely.
Fermi Paradox: The Fermi Paradox poses the question of why, given the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe, we have not yet observed any clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This apparent contradiction raises questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life elsewhere.
It's important to note that these arguments are based on our current understanding of science and the universe, and ongoing research and future discoveries may provide new insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Roger Wall
The Planet, 2023-10-05
Life on other planets?
Life on other planets is a big question. People want to know if there are aliens out there, like in movies. But finding life in space is not easy. Scientists look for clues, like water and air. They use big telescopes and robots to help them look.
ARGUE in favour or against the likelihood of life on other planets.
TITLE: Life on other planets?
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Life On Other Planets?
Life on other planets means xxxx. Is there life on other planets?
I believe there is xxx life on other planets.
Firstly. I believe there is xxx life on other planets because xxxx
In the article Life On Other Planets by Roger Wall (The Planet. 2023-10-05) it says among other things that xxxx
Secondly. I believe there is xxx life on other planets because xxxx
In summary. So, I believe there is xxx life on other planets.
Exempel: Writing argumentative text - Take a position on whether...
Detta är en passande RUBRIK eftersom den informerar läsaren vad texten handlar om
Detta stycket består av en passande INLEDNING eftersom den ger läsaren bakgrundsinformation. Inledningen innehåller också ett motargument och en FRÅGA.
Detta stycket BESVARAR FRÅGAN och svaret blir ett PÅSTÅENDE.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 1 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 1 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 2 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 2 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket INNEHÅLLER ARGUMENT 3 för påståendet.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 3 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket består av ett passande avslut eftersom det ÅTERKNYTER TILL INLEDNINGEN och BESVARAR FRÅGAN ännu en gång.
MOMENT 3 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Speaking. Argumentera: Homosexuality And Adoption
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Life on Other Planets? Arguments For the Existence of Life on Other Planets
Arguments for the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Vastness of the Universe: The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and potentially even more planets. The sheer number of planets increases the likelihood that conditions suitable for life exist elsewhere.
Extremophiles on Earth: Life on Earth exists in extreme environments previously thought to be inhospitable. The discovery of extremophiles, organisms that thrive in extreme conditions, suggests that life may adapt to various environments on other planets.
Water and Organic Molecules: Water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and scientists have found evidence of water on Mars and certain moons in our solar system. Additionally, organic molecules, the building blocks of life, have been detected in various space environments.
Exoplanet Discoveries: Advances in technology, particularly in the field of exoplanet discovery, have revealed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. Some of these planets are located in the habitable zone, where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a key ingredient for life.
Possibility of Microbial Life: Scientists speculate that if life exists on other planets, it might be microbial in nature. Microbes are hardy and adaptable, making them potentially capable of surviving in a variety of extraterrestrial environments.
Arguments Against the Existence of Life on Other Planets:
Lack of Direct Evidence: Despite extensive efforts and advancements in space exploration, there is currently no direct evidence of extraterrestrial life. The absence of conclusive proof remains a significant challenge to the belief in widespread life beyond Earth.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Many celestial bodies, including Mars and moons like Europa and Enceladus, have extreme environmental conditions, such as low temperatures, high radiation, and lack of a stable atmosphere. These conditions make it challenging for complex life forms to exist.
Unique Conditions for Earthly Life: Earth has a unique set of conditions that have allowed for the development and sustenance of diverse forms of life. The combination of factors, including a stable climate, liquid water, and a protective atmosphere, may be rare in the universe.
Limits of Adaptability: While extremophiles on Earth can survive in extreme conditions, there may be limits to the adaptability of life. The conditions on some planets or moons may be too extreme, even for extremophiles, making the existence of complex life less likely.
Fermi Paradox: The Fermi Paradox poses the question of why, given the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe, we have not yet observed any clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This apparent contradiction raises questions about the likelihood of intelligent, technologically advanced life elsewhere.
It's important to note that these arguments are based on our current understanding of science and the universe, and ongoing research and future discoveries may provide new insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Roger Wall
The Planet, 2023-10-05
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of one of the texts above
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences
4. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 5, 8, 12, 15 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 4 DEL 1 (Mindre stöd) Argumentera: Citizen Salary
Centralt innehåll: ---
Citizen Salary
The concept of a citizen salary, often referred to as a universal basic income (UBI), has been gaining attention and sparking discussions worldwide. It is a simple idea: every citizen, regardless of their employment status or income, receives a regular payment from the government to cover their basic needs. This text will explore the citizen salary, its potential benefits, and its possible drawbacks in very basic English.
What Is a Citizen Salary?
A citizen salary is a regular payment made by the government to all its citizens, no matter their job or financial situation. It's like giving everyone a small financial cushion to help them cover their basic needs, like food, housing, and clothing.
How Does It Work?
Here's how a citizen salary might work:
Universal Payment: Every citizen, whether rich or poor, young or old, gets the same amount of money from the government. It's like a monthly allowance from the government.
No Strings Attached: You don't have to work to receive this money. It's not tied to your job, and you don't have to prove that you're looking for work. It's yours simply because you're a citizen.
Regular Payments: Typically, the government would make these payments regularly, such as every month. This ensures that people have a stable source of income.
Benefits of a Citizen Salary
Reducing Poverty: A citizen salary can help reduce poverty by providing everyone with a basic income. This means even if you lose your job or can't work, you'll still have some money to cover your basic needs.
Simplifying Welfare: It can make the welfare system simpler. Instead of having lots of different programs, there's just one payment for everyone. This can save money and reduce bureaucracy.
Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Some people might use the citizen salary to start their own businesses or pursue creative projects because they have a safety net to fall back on.
Health Benefits: With a citizen salary, people might be less stressed about money, which could lead to better mental health. Plus, they might have more time for physical activities and healthy cooking.
Economic Stability: During tough times like economic recessions or pandemics, a citizen salary can help stabilize the economy. When people have money to spend, it keeps businesses going.
Possible Drawbacks of a Citizen Salary
Cost: Providing a citizen salary to everyone can be expensive for the government. It means more tax money or borrowing, which could have other consequences.
Work Incentive: Some worry that if people get money without working, they might not want to work at all. But research suggests that most people still want to work to improve their lives beyond the basics.
Inflation: If everyone has more money, it might lead to higher prices for goods and services, making things more expensive overall.
Funding Source: Governments need to find a way to pay for the citizen salary. This could involve increasing taxes on the wealthy, cutting other programs, or finding new sources of revenue.
Equality Concerns: Giving the same amount to everyone might not take into account the different needs of various individuals or regions. Some argue that certain groups or areas might need more help.
Examples of Citizen Salaries
Alaska, USA: Alaska has a program called the Permanent Fund Dividend, which gives an annual payment to every citizen from the state's oil revenue.
Finland: Finland experimented with a limited form of UBI in 2017 and 2018, providing a monthly payment to a group of unemployed citizens.
Kenya: In Kenya, a nonprofit organization called GiveDirectly has been running a UBI experiment, providing regular payments to thousands of people.
The citizen salary, or universal basic income, is a straightforward idea that has the potential to address many economic and social challenges. It could reduce poverty, simplify the welfare system, and provide economic stability. However, it also comes with challenges like funding and potential work disincentives.
Whether or not a citizen salary is a good idea depends on many factors, including a country's economy, its social safety net, and its goals for the well-being of its citizens. As with any policy proposal, it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons and to study the results of experiments and implementations in different places to make informed decisions about its feasibility and effectiveness.
Lila Bedfall
The Informer, 2023-10-05
1 What is another term for a citizen salary mentioned in the text?
Svar xxx
2 How does a citizen salary work?
Svar xxx
3 What is one potential benefit of a citizen salary mentioned in the text?
Svar xxx
4 How often are citizen salary payments typically made?
Svar xxx
5 What concern is raised about the cost of implementing a citizen salary?
Svar xxx
6 What is one possible drawback related to work incentives mentioned in the text?
Svar xxx
7 What is mentioned as a potential consequence of everyone having more money due to a citizen salary?
Svar xxx
8 Name one example of a place that has implemented a form of citizen salary, as mentioned in the text
Svar xxx
9 Why is it important to carefully consider the pros and cons of a citizen salary?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 4 DEL 2 (Mindre stöd) Skriva. Argumentera: Citizen Salary
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Citizen Salary
The concept of a citizen salary, often referred to as a universal basic income (UBI), has been gaining attention and sparking discussions worldwide. It is a simple idea: every citizen, regardless of their employment status or income, receives a regular payment from the government to cover their basic needs. This text will explore the citizen salary, its potential benefits, and its possible drawbacks in very basic English.
What Is a Citizen Salary?
A citizen salary is a regular payment made by the government to all its citizens, no matter their job or financial situation. It's like giving everyone a small financial cushion to help them cover their basic needs, like food, housing, and clothing.
How Does It Work?
Here's how a citizen salary might work:
Universal Payment: Every citizen, whether rich or poor, young or old, gets the same amount of money from the government. It's like a monthly allowance from the government.
No Strings Attached: You don't have to work to receive this money. It's not tied to your job, and you don't have to prove that you're looking for work. It's yours simply because you're a citizen.
Regular Payments: Typically, the government would make these payments regularly, such as every month. This ensures that people have a stable source of income.
Benefits of a Citizen Salary
Reducing Poverty: A citizen salary can help reduce poverty by providing everyone with a basic income. This means even if you lose your job or can't work, you'll still have some money to cover your basic needs.
Simplifying Welfare: It can make the welfare system simpler. Instead of having lots of different programs, there's just one payment for everyone. This can save money and reduce bureaucracy.
Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Some people might use the citizen salary to start their own businesses or pursue creative projects because they have a safety net to fall back on.
Health Benefits: With a citizen salary, people might be less stressed about money, which could lead to better mental health. Plus, they might have more time for physical activities and healthy cooking.
Economic Stability: During tough times like economic recessions or pandemics, a citizen salary can help stabilize the economy. When people have money to spend, it keeps businesses going.
Possible Drawbacks of a Citizen Salary
Cost: Providing a citizen salary to everyone can be expensive for the government. It means more tax money or borrowing, which could have other consequences.
Work Incentive: Some worry that if people get money without working, they might not want to work at all. But research suggests that most people still want to work to improve their lives beyond the basics.
Inflation: If everyone has more money, it might lead to higher prices for goods and services, making things more expensive overall.
Funding Source: Governments need to find a way to pay for the citizen salary. This could involve increasing taxes on the wealthy, cutting other programs, or finding new sources of revenue.
Equality Concerns: Giving the same amount to everyone might not take into account the different needs of various individuals or regions. Some argue that certain groups or areas might need more help.
Examples of Citizen Salaries
Alaska, USA: Alaska has a program called the Permanent Fund Dividend, which gives an annual payment to every citizen from the state's oil revenue.
Finland: Finland experimented with a limited form of UBI in 2017 and 2018, providing a monthly payment to a group of unemployed citizens.
Kenya: In Kenya, a nonprofit organization called GiveDirectly has been running a UBI experiment, providing regular payments to thousands of people.
The citizen salary, or universal basic income, is a straightforward idea that has the potential to address many economic and social challenges. It could reduce poverty, simplify the welfare system, and provide economic stability. However, it also comes with challenges like funding and potential work disincentives.
Whether or not a citizen salary is a good idea depends on many factors, including a country's economy, its social safety net, and its goals for the well-being of its citizens. As with any policy proposal, it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons and to study the results of experiments and implementations in different places to make informed decisions about its feasibility and effectiveness.
Lila Bedfall
The Informer, 2023-10-05
The concept of a citizen salary, often referred to as a universal basic income (UBI), has been gaining attention and sparking discussions worldwide. It is a simple idea: every citizen, regardless of their employment status or income, receives a regular payment from the government to cover their basic needs.
ARGUE in favour or against citizen salary.
TITLE: Citizen Salary?
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Citizen Salary?
Citizen Salary means xxxx. Should we allow citizen salary?
I believe we should xxx allow citizen salary.
Firstly. I believe we should xxx allow citizen salary because xxxx
In the article Citizen Salary by Lila Bedfall (The Informer. 2023-10-05) it says among other things that xxxx
Secondly. I believe we should xxx allow citizen salary because xxxx
In summary. So, I believe we should xxx allow citizen salary.
Exempel: Writing argumentative text - Take a position on whether...
Detta är en passande RUBRIK eftersom den informerar läsaren vad texten handlar om
Detta stycket består av en passande INLEDNING eftersom den ger läsaren bakgrundsinformation. Inledningen innehåller också ett motargument och en FRÅGA.
Detta stycket BESVARAR FRÅGAN och svaret blir ett PÅSTÅENDE.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 1 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 1 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 2 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 2 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket INNEHÅLLER ARGUMENT 3 för påståendet.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 3 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket består av ett passande avslut eftersom det ÅTERKNYTER TILL INLEDNINGEN och BESVARAR FRÅGAN ännu en gång.
MOMENT 4 DEL 3 (Mindrestöd) Speaking. Argumentera: Citizen Salary
Centralt innehåll: ---
Innan du skriver för mycket lämna in till läraren för feedback. Tidig feedback ökar dina chanser att få uppgiften godkänd och grönt i trafikljusen
Citizen Salary
The concept of a citizen salary, often referred to as a universal basic income (UBI), has been gaining attention and sparking discussions worldwide. It is a simple idea: every citizen, regardless of their employment status or income, receives a regular payment from the government to cover their basic needs. This text will explore the citizen salary, its potential benefits, and its possible drawbacks in very basic English.
What Is a Citizen Salary?
A citizen salary is a regular payment made by the government to all its citizens, no matter their job or financial situation. It's like giving everyone a small financial cushion to help them cover their basic needs, like food, housing, and clothing.
How Does It Work?
Here's how a citizen salary might work:
Universal Payment: Every citizen, whether rich or poor, young or old, gets the same amount of money from the government. It's like a monthly allowance from the government.
No Strings Attached: You don't have to work to receive this money. It's not tied to your job, and you don't have to prove that you're looking for work. It's yours simply because you're a citizen.
Regular Payments: Typically, the government would make these payments regularly, such as every month. This ensures that people have a stable source of income.
Benefits of a Citizen Salary
Reducing Poverty: A citizen salary can help reduce poverty by providing everyone with a basic income. This means even if you lose your job or can't work, you'll still have some money to cover your basic needs.
Simplifying Welfare: It can make the welfare system simpler. Instead of having lots of different programs, there's just one payment for everyone. This can save money and reduce bureaucracy.
Encouraging Entrepreneurship: Some people might use the citizen salary to start their own businesses or pursue creative projects because they have a safety net to fall back on.
Health Benefits: With a citizen salary, people might be less stressed about money, which could lead to better mental health. Plus, they might have more time for physical activities and healthy cooking.
Economic Stability: During tough times like economic recessions or pandemics, a citizen salary can help stabilize the economy. When people have money to spend, it keeps businesses going.
Possible Drawbacks of a Citizen Salary
Cost: Providing a citizen salary to everyone can be expensive for the government. It means more tax money or borrowing, which could have other consequences.
Work Incentive: Some worry that if people get money without working, they might not want to work at all. But research suggests that most people still want to work to improve their lives beyond the basics.
Inflation: If everyone has more money, it might lead to higher prices for goods and services, making things more expensive overall.
Funding Source: Governments need to find a way to pay for the citizen salary. This could involve increasing taxes on the wealthy, cutting other programs, or finding new sources of revenue.
Equality Concerns: Giving the same amount to everyone might not take into account the different needs of various individuals or regions. Some argue that certain groups or areas might need more help.
Examples of Citizen Salaries
Alaska, USA: Alaska has a program called the Permanent Fund Dividend, which gives an annual payment to every citizen from the state's oil revenue.
Finland: Finland experimented with a limited form of UBI in 2017 and 2018, providing a monthly payment to a group of unemployed citizens.
Kenya: In Kenya, a nonprofit organization called GiveDirectly has been running a UBI experiment, providing regular payments to thousands of people.
The citizen salary, or universal basic income, is a straightforward idea that has the potential to address many economic and social challenges. It could reduce poverty, simplify the welfare system, and provide economic stability. However, it also comes with challenges like funding and potential work disincentives.
Whether or not a citizen salary is a good idea depends on many factors, including a country's economy, its social safety net, and its goals for the well-being of its citizens. As with any policy proposal, it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons and to study the results of experiments and implementations in different places to make informed decisions about its feasibility and effectiveness.
Lila Bedfall
The Informer, 2023-10-05
You should keep this in mind when leading a conversation
-join the conversation
- make sure everyone is talking
- make sure the group sticks to the topic
- make sure the conversation is about 8 minutes long
Prepare the conversation
This is my summary of one of the texts above
These are my views on the content of the summary
This is my topic of conversation and the comment on the topic
As participants in the conversation, you should keep this in mind
- ask follow-up questions
- formulate and respond to arguments
- build on the thoughts of others
- give concrete examples
- compare with your own experiences