Centralt innehåll: Reception: Skönlitteratur, även dikter och dramatik, såväl samtida som utdrag ur äldre verk.
Bokläsningen pågår parallellt med moment och seminarier. Läsloggen lämnas in när läraren ber om det.
A reading log is here a summary of the chapters you have read in the book you have chosen. When you write a reading log for a chapter, you can write about what happens, what you thought of the chapter, and what you learned from it. There are several different ways to write a reading log, but the most important thing is that you write down your thoughts and reflections about the book.
Book title and author
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 1 and word list.
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 2 and word list.
Xxxx xxx
Reading log for chapter 3 and word list, etc
Xxxx xxx
(Källa: Skolforskningsinstitutet)
Aktivt lyssnande
Aktivt lyssnande kan göra det lättare för dig att hämta information från texten och fungerar som en memoreringsstrategi genom att du lättare kommer ihåg vad texten handlar om.
Läsa högt
Att läsa högt innebär att du använder din röst för att ljuda ut orden i texten för dig själv eller för någon annan. Härigenom kan du eventuellt lättare komma ihåg innehållet och identifiera relevant information.
Läsa om
Att läsa om används till exempel om du vid första genomläsningen hade bristande koncentration eller om texten hade en hög svårighetsgrad.
Stryka under
Stryka under innebär att markera information i texten.. Syftet är att hämta information och komma ihåg det som man har läst
Återberätta är en lässtrategi där du repeterar mer eller mindre exakt informationen från texten för att se vad hen kommer ihåg
Aktivera bakgrundskunskap
Syftet med att aktivera bakgrundskunskap är att koppla textinnehållet till tidigare kunskaper och läserfarenheter. Genom att aktivera bakgrundskunskap kan du mentalt använda idéer samt dra slutsatser som inte är tydligt angivna i texten för att skapa mening av texten du läser och försöka förstå det författaren önskar förmedla genom texten.
Finna luckor och göra inferenser (skapa sammanhang)
Att finna luckor och göra inferenser innebär att läsa mellan raderna medan man drar slutsatser som inte är tydligt angivna i texten.
Att klargöra innebär att reda ut oklarheter eller okända delar i en text. Det kan vara okända ord, meningar, avsnitt eller begrepp i texten.
Ställa och besvara frågor
Detta är en strategi där du formulerar frågor om viktiga saker i texten eller om saker som är oklara för dig under tiden som du läser. Du ställer till exempel frågor om vad, när, vem och varför till texten. Efter att du läst färdigt texten och lagt undan den försöker du besvara frågorna för att kontrollera att du förstått texten
Viktiga delar
Att fokusera på viktiga delar är en strategi som används för utvärdering av texten, där du är medveten om den del av texten som är mest meningsfull och relevant för uppgiften.
1. MOMENT Centralt innehåll: 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16 och 18 (EJ INFÖRT)
MOMENT 1 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Läsa. Argumentera: Euthanasia
Centralt innehåll: ---
Euthanasia is a big word that might sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Euthanasia is when someone helps another person who is very sick or in a lot of pain to die peacefully and without suffering. It's like helping them to go to sleep forever.
Why Do People Talk About Euthanasia?
People talk about euthanasia because it's a very important and sensitive topic. It's about making difficult decisions when someone is very sick and suffering. Some people believe that it's okay to help someone die if they want to, especially if there's no hope of getting better. Others think it's not okay because they believe all life is precious, no matter how sick a person is.
Different Types of Euthanasia
There are a few different types of euthanasia:
Voluntary Euthanasia: This is when a person chooses to end their own life because they are in pain or suffering too much. They may ask a doctor for help to do this.
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia: This happens when someone is not able to make decisions for themselves, like if they're in a coma or too young to understand. In these cases, someone else makes the decision for them.
Involuntary Euthanasia: This is when someone is euthanized against their will. It's illegal in most places because it goes against a person's rights.
Assisted Suicide: This is when a person gets help from a doctor to end their own life, but they do it themselves. They might be given a prescription for medication that they take themselves when they are ready.
Reasons for Euthanasia
People consider euthanasia for many reasons:
Pain and Suffering: Some illnesses can cause a lot of pain and suffering. Euthanasia can be an option to relieve this suffering.
No Hope of Recovery: When doctors believe there's no chance for a person to get better, some people choose euthanasia to avoid more pain and suffering.
Personal Choice: Some individuals believe they should have the right to decide when and how they die, especially if they have a terminal illness.
Quality of Life: Some people might feel that their quality of life is so poor due to their illness that they'd rather die peacefully.
Arguments Against Euthanasia
While some people support euthanasia, others strongly oppose it for these reasons:
Sanctity of Life: Some believe that every life is valuable, and ending it prematurely is morally wrong.
Slippery Slope: There's a concern that if euthanasia becomes legal, it might be used inappropriately, even for people who could potentially get better.
Medical Ethics: Doctors are supposed to save lives, not end them. Some argue that euthanasia goes against the core principles of medicine.
Palliative Care: There's a belief that better access to pain relief and palliative care can alleviate suffering without resorting to euthanasia.
The Legal Side of Euthanasia
Laws about euthanasia vary from place to place. In some countries, like the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is legal under certain strict conditions. In others, it's illegal everywhere, like in many parts of the United States. Some places allow assisted suicide but not euthanasia.
The decision to legalize euthanasia is a complex one that involves careful consideration of the ethical, moral, and legal aspects of the practice.
Euthanasia is a topic that touches the hearts of many people around the world. It's a deeply personal and emotional subject that involves life, death, and the choices we make when someone is suffering. Whether you support or oppose euthanasia, it's important to have open and respectful discussions about it to better understand the different perspectives and to make informed decisions that respect the wishes and dignity of those who are suffering.
Sara Reed
The Frog, 2023-10-05
1 What is euthanasia, in simple terms?
Svar xxx
2 Why do people talk about euthanasia?
Svar xxx
3 What are the different types of euthanasia mentioned in the text?
Svar xxx
4 What is voluntary euthanasia?
Svar xxx
5 Why is involuntary euthanasia considered illegal in most places?
Svar xxx
6 What are some reasons people consider euthanasia?
Svar xxx
7 What is the main argument against euthanasia based on the sanctity of life?
Svar xxx
8 What is the "slippery slope" argument against euthanasia?
Svar xxx
9 How do laws about euthanasia vary in different places?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 1 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Argumentera: Euthanasia
Centralt innehåll: ---
Euthanasia is a big word that might sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Euthanasia is when someone helps another person who is very sick or in a lot of pain to die peacefully and without suffering. It's like helping them to go to sleep forever.
Why Do People Talk About Euthanasia?
People talk about euthanasia because it's a very important and sensitive topic. It's about making difficult decisions when someone is very sick and suffering. Some people believe that it's okay to help someone die if they want to, especially if there's no hope of getting better. Others think it's not okay because they believe all life is precious, no matter how sick a person is.
Different Types of Euthanasia
There are a few different types of euthanasia:
Voluntary Euthanasia: This is when a person chooses to end their own life because they are in pain or suffering too much. They may ask a doctor for help to do this.
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia: This happens when someone is not able to make decisions for themselves, like if they're in a coma or too young to understand. In these cases, someone else makes the decision for them.
Involuntary Euthanasia: This is when someone is euthanized against their will. It's illegal in most places because it goes against a person's rights.
Assisted Suicide: This is when a person gets help from a doctor to end their own life, but they do it themselves. They might be given a prescription for medication that they take themselves when they are ready.
Reasons for Euthanasia
People consider euthanasia for many reasons:
Pain and Suffering: Some illnesses can cause a lot of pain and suffering. Euthanasia can be an option to relieve this suffering.
No Hope of Recovery: When doctors believe there's no chance for a person to get better, some people choose euthanasia to avoid more pain and suffering.
Personal Choice: Some individuals believe they should have the right to decide when and how they die, especially if they have a terminal illness.
Quality of Life: Some people might feel that their quality of life is so poor due to their illness that they'd rather die peacefully.
Arguments Against Euthanasia
While some people support euthanasia, others strongly oppose it for these reasons:
Sanctity of Life: Some believe that every life is valuable, and ending it prematurely is morally wrong.
Slippery Slope: There's a concern that if euthanasia becomes legal, it might be used inappropriately, even for people who could potentially get better.
Medical Ethics: Doctors are supposed to save lives, not end them. Some argue that euthanasia goes against the core principles of medicine.
Palliative Care: There's a belief that better access to pain relief and palliative care can alleviate suffering without resorting to euthanasia.
The Legal Side of Euthanasia
Laws about euthanasia vary from place to place. In some countries, like the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is legal under certain strict conditions. In others, it's illegal everywhere, like in many parts of the United States. Some places allow assisted suicide but not euthanasia.
The decision to legalize euthanasia is a complex one that involves careful consideration of the ethical, moral, and legal aspects of the practice.
Euthanasia is a topic that touches the hearts of many people around the world. It's a deeply personal and emotional subject that involves life, death, and the choices we make when someone is suffering. Whether you support or oppose euthanasia, it's important to have open and respectful discussions about it to better understand the different perspectives and to make informed decisions that respect the wishes and dignity of those who are suffering.
Sara Reed
The Frog, 2023-10-05
Euthanasia is a big word that might sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Euthanasia is when someone helps another person who is very sick or in a lot of pain to die peacefully and without suffering. It's like helping them to go to sleep forever. The question is should it be allowed?
Title: (Pick one below)
Issues Today, a weekly magazine, is running a debate on euthanasia. Write your contribution, taking a stand on one of the issues below. Try to convince your reader that your position is the right one and remember to bring up some of the counterarguments as well. Define your issue clearly. Develop and support your arguments with examples.
Title: Euthanasia is a good thing
Title: Euthanasia is a bad thing
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Euthansia means xxxx. Should we allow euthansia?
I believe we should xxx allow euthansia.
Firstly. I believe we should xxx allow euthansia because xxxx
In the article Euthansia by Sara Reed (The Frog. 2023-10-05) it says among other things that xxxx
Secondly. I believe we should xxx allow euthansia because xxxx
In summary. I believe we should xxx allow euthansia.
Exempel: Writing argumentative text - Take a position on whether...
Detta är en passande RUBRIK eftersom den informerar läsaren vad texten handlar om
Detta stycket består av en passande INLEDNING eftersom den ger läsaren bakgrundsinformation. Inledningen innehåller också ett motargument och en FRÅGA.
Detta stycket BESVARAR FRÅGAN och svaret blir ett PÅSTÅENDE.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 1 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 1 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 2 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 2 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket INNEHÅLLER ARGUMENT 3 för påståendet.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 3 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket består av ett passande avslut eftersom det ÅTERKNYTER TILL INLEDNINGEN och BESVARAR FRÅGAN ännu en gång.
MOMENT 1 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Tala. Argumentera: Euthanasia
Centralt innehåll: ---
Euthanasia is a big word that might sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Euthanasia is when someone helps another person who is very sick or in a lot of pain to die peacefully and without suffering. It's like helping them to go to sleep forever.
Why Do People Talk About Euthanasia?
People talk about euthanasia because it's a very important and sensitive topic. It's about making difficult decisions when someone is very sick and suffering. Some people believe that it's okay to help someone die if they want to, especially if there's no hope of getting better. Others think it's not okay because they believe all life is precious, no matter how sick a person is.
Different Types of Euthanasia
There are a few different types of euthanasia:
Voluntary Euthanasia: This is when a person chooses to end their own life because they are in pain or suffering too much. They may ask a doctor for help to do this.
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia: This happens when someone is not able to make decisions for themselves, like if they're in a coma or too young to understand. In these cases, someone else makes the decision for them.
Involuntary Euthanasia: This is when someone is euthanized against their will. It's illegal in most places because it goes against a person's rights.
Assisted Suicide: This is when a person gets help from a doctor to end their own life, but they do it themselves. They might be given a prescription for medication that they take themselves when they are ready.
Reasons for Euthanasia
People consider euthanasia for many reasons:
Pain and Suffering: Some illnesses can cause a lot of pain and suffering. Euthanasia can be an option to relieve this suffering.
No Hope of Recovery: When doctors believe there's no chance for a person to get better, some people choose euthanasia to avoid more pain and suffering.
Personal Choice: Some individuals believe they should have the right to decide when and how they die, especially if they have a terminal illness.
Quality of Life: Some people might feel that their quality of life is so poor due to their illness that they'd rather die peacefully.
Arguments Against Euthanasia
While some people support euthanasia, others strongly oppose it for these reasons:
Sanctity of Life: Some believe that every life is valuable, and ending it prematurely is morally wrong.
Slippery Slope: There's a concern that if euthanasia becomes legal, it might be used inappropriately, even for people who could potentially get better.
Medical Ethics: Doctors are supposed to save lives, not end them. Some argue that euthanasia goes against the core principles of medicine.
Palliative Care: There's a belief that better access to pain relief and palliative care can alleviate suffering without resorting to euthanasia.
The Legal Side of Euthanasia
Laws about euthanasia vary from place to place. In some countries, like the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is legal under certain strict conditions. In others, it's illegal everywhere, like in many parts of the United States. Some places allow assisted suicide but not euthanasia.
The decision to legalize euthanasia is a complex one that involves careful consideration of the ethical, moral, and legal aspects of the practice.
Euthanasia is a topic that touches the hearts of many people around the world. It's a deeply personal and emotional subject that involves life, death, and the choices we make when someone is suffering. Whether you support or oppose euthanasia, it's important to have open and respectful discussions about it to better understand the different perspectives and to make informed decisions that respect the wishes and dignity of those who are suffering.
Sara Reed
The Frog, 2023-10-05
Keep this in mind when discussing
- Stick to the topic
- Try to be as clear as possible
- Try to see what you´re discussing in a different perspective
- Try to vary the language. For example, do not start all sentences with "I"
- Try to solve linguistic problems by reformulations, explanations or clarifications
- Dare to try new words and phrases
- Dare to have British or American pronunciation
Prepare the discussion
You have picked the text above. Prepare to tell your partner about it.
Part 1 -Inform and discuss
A. Tell your partner about the text.
B. Then discuss it briefly with your partner:
- What/Who is the problem causing the euthanasia issue?
- Where/When does/might the euthanasia issue occur? How does it show?
Part 2 -Discuss
Now discuss with your partner different aspects of euthanasia.
A. How do we react to what we regard as good/bad euthanasia? What are the effects on our daily lives? What do you think could be reactions?
B. How do you/other people normally deal with euthanasia issues?
C. Acting in accordance with what we consider to be morally correct is not only an issue for the individual. What can society do to help? What can be done by
-the government?
2. MOMENT Mindre stöd
MOMENT 2 DEL 1 (Mindre stöd) Läsa. Argumentera: Freedom of Speech
Centralt innehåll: ---
Freedom of Speech
In today's world, one of the most cherished and important values is freedom of speech. This simple yet profound concept allows people to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without fear of punishment or censorship. It is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that everyone has a voice and that no idea is suppressed. In this article, we will explore what freedom of speech is, why it matters, and the responsibilities that come with it.
What Is Freedom of Speech?
Freedom of speech, simply put, is the right to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely, without government interference or punishment. It's like having the ability to speak your mind without being afraid of getting into trouble.
This right is enshrined in many countries' constitutions and laws because it is essential for a healthy society. It allows people to debate important issues, criticize the government, and share their unique perspectives. Without freedom of speech, we would live in a world where only a select few had a say in how things are run, and dissenting voices would be silenced.
Why Does Freedom of Speech Matter?
Freedom of speech is like the oxygen of democracy – without it, democracy cannot survive. Here are some key reasons why it matters:
Protects Individual Rights: Freedom of speech ensures that individuals can express themselves and protect their rights. If you see something wrong, you can speak out against it without fear.
Fosters Innovation: It encourages new ideas and innovations by allowing people to share their unique viewpoints. This diversity of thought can lead to breakthroughs in science, technology, and culture.
Holds Governments Accountable: Freedom of speech is a crucial tool for holding those in power accountable. Citizens can criticize their government's actions and demand transparency and accountability.
Promotes Peaceful Change: When people can express their grievances and frustrations through speech, it reduces the likelihood of violence or unrest as a means of protest.
Encourages Dialogue: It fosters open and honest discussions, even on controversial topics. Through dialogue, societies can find common ground and make informed decisions.
Preserves Democracy: In democratic societies, freedom of speech is the bedrock of the system. Without it, democracy can erode into authoritarianism.
The Responsibilities of Freedom of Speech
While freedom of speech is a powerful right, it also comes with responsibilities. Here are some important considerations:
Respect Others: Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything without consequences. It's crucial to respect the rights and dignity of others. Hate speech and incitement to violence should not be tolerated.
Verify Information: In the age of the internet, misinformation and fake news can spread quickly. It's our responsibility to verify information before sharing it to prevent the spread of false or harmful ideas.
Engage in Constructive Dialogue: Instead of resorting to insults or shouting matches, strive for constructive and respectful dialogue. This can lead to better understanding and compromise.
Consider the Consequences: Be aware that your words can have consequences, both for yourself and society as a whole. Think about how your speech may impact others and the broader community.
Protect Vulnerable Groups: Freedom of speech should not be used as an excuse to harm or discriminate against vulnerable groups. We must protect those who may be more susceptible to harm.
Challenges to Freedom of Speech
While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it's not always easy to balance with other interests, such as safety and security. Here are some common challenges:
Hate Speech: Balancing freedom of speech with the need to protect individuals from hate speech and discrimination is a constant challenge.
Misinformation: The spread of false information online can have harmful consequences. Striking a balance between countering misinformation and preserving free speech is a complex task.
National Security: Governments may limit freedom of speech in the name of national security. Finding the right balance between security and individual rights is an ongoing debate.
Online Platforms: Social media and tech companies have a significant influence on free speech. Decisions about content moderation raise questions about who gets to decide what can be said online.
Freedom of speech is a vital component of any democratic society. It empowers individuals to express themselves, engage in dialogue, and hold those in power accountable. However, it also comes with responsibilities, such as respecting the rights of others and considering the consequences of our words.
In today's complex world, striking the right balance between protecting free speech and addressing the challenges it presents is an ongoing task. It requires thoughtful consideration, open dialogue, and a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy. Ultimately, freedom of speech is not just a right; it's a responsibility we all share in preserving the values of a free and open society.
Leonard Penrose
The Informer, 2023-10-05
1 What is freedom of speech?
Svar xxx
2 Why is freedom of speech considered essential in a democracy?
Svar xxx
3 How does freedom of speech protect individual rights?
Svar xxx
4 What is the responsibility associated with freedom of speech?
Svar xxx
5 What role does freedom of speech play in holding governments accountable?
Svar xxx
6 How can freedom of speech promote peaceful change?
Svar xxx
7 What challenges are associated with balancing freedom of speech and hate speech?
Svar xxx
8 How can individuals contribute to preserving freedom of speech in the age of misinformation?
Svar xxx
9 Why is it important to engage in constructive dialogue when exercising freedom of speech?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 2 DEL 2 (Mindre stöd) Skriva. Argumentera: Freedom of Speech
Centralt innehåll: ---
Freedom of Speech
In today's world, one of the most cherished and important values is freedom of speech. This simple yet profound concept allows people to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without fear of punishment or censorship. It is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that everyone has a voice and that no idea is suppressed. In this article, we will explore what freedom of speech is, why it matters, and the responsibilities that come with it.
What Is Freedom of Speech?
Freedom of speech, simply put, is the right to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely, without government interference or punishment. It's like having the ability to speak your mind without being afraid of getting into trouble.
This right is enshrined in many countries' constitutions and laws because it is essential for a healthy society. It allows people to debate important issues, criticize the government, and share their unique perspectives. Without freedom of speech, we would live in a world where only a select few had a say in how things are run, and dissenting voices would be silenced.
Why Does Freedom of Speech Matter?
Freedom of speech is like the oxygen of democracy – without it, democracy cannot survive. Here are some key reasons why it matters:
Protects Individual Rights: Freedom of speech ensures that individuals can express themselves and protect their rights. If you see something wrong, you can speak out against it without fear.
Fosters Innovation: It encourages new ideas and innovations by allowing people to share their unique viewpoints. This diversity of thought can lead to breakthroughs in science, technology, and culture.
Holds Governments Accountable: Freedom of speech is a crucial tool for holding those in power accountable. Citizens can criticize their government's actions and demand transparency and accountability.
Promotes Peaceful Change: When people can express their grievances and frustrations through speech, it reduces the likelihood of violence or unrest as a means of protest.
Encourages Dialogue: It fosters open and honest discussions, even on controversial topics. Through dialogue, societies can find common ground and make informed decisions.
Preserves Democracy: In democratic societies, freedom of speech is the bedrock of the system. Without it, democracy can erode into authoritarianism.
The Responsibilities of Freedom of Speech
While freedom of speech is a powerful right, it also comes with responsibilities. Here are some important considerations:
Respect Others: Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything without consequences. It's crucial to respect the rights and dignity of others. Hate speech and incitement to violence should not be tolerated.
Verify Information: In the age of the internet, misinformation and fake news can spread quickly. It's our responsibility to verify information before sharing it to prevent the spread of false or harmful ideas.
Engage in Constructive Dialogue: Instead of resorting to insults or shouting matches, strive for constructive and respectful dialogue. This can lead to better understanding and compromise.
Consider the Consequences: Be aware that your words can have consequences, both for yourself and society as a whole. Think about how your speech may impact others and the broader community.
Protect Vulnerable Groups: Freedom of speech should not be used as an excuse to harm or discriminate against vulnerable groups. We must protect those who may be more susceptible to harm.
Challenges to Freedom of Speech
While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it's not always easy to balance with other interests, such as safety and security. Here are some common challenges:
Hate Speech: Balancing freedom of speech with the need to protect individuals from hate speech and discrimination is a constant challenge.
Misinformation: The spread of false information online can have harmful consequences. Striking a balance between countering misinformation and preserving free speech is a complex task.
National Security: Governments may limit freedom of speech in the name of national security. Finding the right balance between security and individual rights is an ongoing debate.
Online Platforms: Social media and tech companies have a significant influence on free speech. Decisions about content moderation raise questions about who gets to decide what can be said online.
Freedom of speech is a vital component of any democratic society. It empowers individuals to express themselves, engage in dialogue, and hold those in power accountable. However, it also comes with responsibilities, such as respecting the rights of others and considering the consequences of our words.
In today's complex world, striking the right balance between protecting free speech and addressing the challenges it presents is an ongoing task. It requires thoughtful consideration, open dialogue, and a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy. Ultimately, freedom of speech is not just a right; it's a responsibility we all share in preserving the values of a free and open society.
Leonard Penrose
The Informer, 2023-10-05
Freedom of Speech
In today's world, one of the most cherished and important values is freedom of speech. This simple yet profound concept allows people to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without fear of punishment or censorship. It is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that everyone has a voice and that no idea is suppressed. The question is: Is freedom of speech a good or a bad thing?
Title: (Pick one below)
Issues Today, a weekly magazine, is running a debate on freedom of speech and its consequences.. Write your contribution, taking a stand on one of the issues below. Try to convince your reader that your position is the right one and remember to bring up some of the counterarguments as well. Define your issue clearly. Develop and support your arguments with examples.
Title: Freedom of speech is a good thig
Title: Freedom of speech is a bad thing
Skriv texten med hjälp någon av skrivmallarna nedan
Freedom of Speech?
Freedom of speech means xxxx. Is freedom of speech a good or a bad thing?
I believe freedom of speech is a xxx thing.
Firstly. I believe freedom of speech is a xxx thing because xxxx
In the article Freedom of Speech by Leonard Penrose (The Informer. 2023-10-05) it says among other things that xxxx
Secondly. I believe freedom of speech is a xxx thing because xxxx
In summary. I believe freedom of speech is a xxx thing.
Exempel: Writing argumentative text - Take a position on whether...
Detta är en passande RUBRIK eftersom den informerar läsaren vad texten handlar om
Detta stycket består av en passande INLEDNING eftersom den ger läsaren bakgrundsinformation. Inledningen innehåller också ett motargument och en FRÅGA.
Detta stycket BESVARAR FRÅGAN och svaret blir ett PÅSTÅENDE.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 1 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 1 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket innehåller ARGUMENT 2 FÖR PÅSTÅENDET.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 2 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket INNEHÅLLER ARGUMENT 3 för påståendet.
Detta stycket UTVECKLAR ARGUMENT 3 med hjälp av fakta/exempel eller egen erfarenhet.
Detta stycket består av ett passande avslut eftersom det ÅTERKNYTER TILL INLEDNINGEN och BESVARAR FRÅGAN ännu en gång.
MOMENT 2 DEL 3 (Mindre stöd) Tala. Argumentera: Freedom of Speech
Centralt innehåll: ---
Freedom of Speech
In today's world, one of the most cherished and important values is freedom of speech. This simple yet profound concept allows people to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without fear of punishment or censorship. It is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that everyone has a voice and that no idea is suppressed. In this article, we will explore what freedom of speech is, why it matters, and the responsibilities that come with it.
What Is Freedom of Speech?
Freedom of speech, simply put, is the right to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions freely, without government interference or punishment. It's like having the ability to speak your mind without being afraid of getting into trouble.
This right is enshrined in many countries' constitutions and laws because it is essential for a healthy society. It allows people to debate important issues, criticize the government, and share their unique perspectives. Without freedom of speech, we would live in a world where only a select few had a say in how things are run, and dissenting voices would be silenced.
Why Does Freedom of Speech Matter?
Freedom of speech is like the oxygen of democracy – without it, democracy cannot survive. Here are some key reasons why it matters:
Protects Individual Rights: Freedom of speech ensures that individuals can express themselves and protect their rights. If you see something wrong, you can speak out against it without fear.
Fosters Innovation: It encourages new ideas and innovations by allowing people to share their unique viewpoints. This diversity of thought can lead to breakthroughs in science, technology, and culture.
Holds Governments Accountable: Freedom of speech is a crucial tool for holding those in power accountable. Citizens can criticize their government's actions and demand transparency and accountability.
Promotes Peaceful Change: When people can express their grievances and frustrations through speech, it reduces the likelihood of violence or unrest as a means of protest.
Encourages Dialogue: It fosters open and honest discussions, even on controversial topics. Through dialogue, societies can find common ground and make informed decisions.
Preserves Democracy: In democratic societies, freedom of speech is the bedrock of the system. Without it, democracy can erode into authoritarianism.
The Responsibilities of Freedom of Speech
While freedom of speech is a powerful right, it also comes with responsibilities. Here are some important considerations:
Respect Others: Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything without consequences. It's crucial to respect the rights and dignity of others. Hate speech and incitement to violence should not be tolerated.
Verify Information: In the age of the internet, misinformation and fake news can spread quickly. It's our responsibility to verify information before sharing it to prevent the spread of false or harmful ideas.
Engage in Constructive Dialogue: Instead of resorting to insults or shouting matches, strive for constructive and respectful dialogue. This can lead to better understanding and compromise.
Consider the Consequences: Be aware that your words can have consequences, both for yourself and society as a whole. Think about how your speech may impact others and the broader community.
Protect Vulnerable Groups: Freedom of speech should not be used as an excuse to harm or discriminate against vulnerable groups. We must protect those who may be more susceptible to harm.
Challenges to Freedom of Speech
While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it's not always easy to balance with other interests, such as safety and security. Here are some common challenges:
Hate Speech: Balancing freedom of speech with the need to protect individuals from hate speech and discrimination is a constant challenge.
Misinformation: The spread of false information online can have harmful consequences. Striking a balance between countering misinformation and preserving free speech is a complex task.
National Security: Governments may limit freedom of speech in the name of national security. Finding the right balance between security and individual rights is an ongoing debate.
Online Platforms: Social media and tech companies have a significant influence on free speech. Decisions about content moderation raise questions about who gets to decide what can be said online.
Freedom of speech is a vital component of any democratic society. It empowers individuals to express themselves, engage in dialogue, and hold those in power accountable. However, it also comes with responsibilities, such as respecting the rights of others and considering the consequences of our words.
In today's complex world, striking the right balance between protecting free speech and addressing the challenges it presents is an ongoing task. It requires thoughtful consideration, open dialogue, and a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy. Ultimately, freedom of speech is not just a right; it's a responsibility we all share in preserving the values of a free and open society.
Leonard Penrose
The Informer, 2023-10-05
Keep this in mind when discussing
- Stick to the topic
- Try to be as clear as possible
- Try to see what you´re discussing in a different perspective
- Try to vary the language. For example, do not start all sentences with "I"
- Try to solve linguistic problems by reformulations, explanations or clarifications
- Dare to try new words and phrases
- Dare to have British or American pronunciation
Prepare the discussion
You have picked one of the texts above. Prepare to tell your partner about it.
Part 1 -Inform and discuss
A. Tell your partner about the text.
B. Then discuss it briefly with your partner:
- What/Who is the problem causing the freedom of speech issue?
- Where/When does/might the freedom of speech issue occur? How does it show?
- What could perhaps solve the freedom of speech issue in this particular case?
Part 2 -Discuss
Now discuss with your partner different aspects of freedom of specch.
A. How do we react to what we regard as good morals/bad freedom of speech? What are the effects on our daily lives? What do you think could be reactions?
B. How do you/other people normally deal with freedom of speech issues? What do you think are the most common ways of coping with the freedom of speech issues?
C. Acting in accordance with what we consider to be morally correct is not only an issue for the individual. What can society do to help? What can be done by
-the government?
3. MOMENT Mycket stöd
MOMENT 3 DEL 1 (Mycket stöd) Läsa. Resonera: Legalize Drugs?
Centralt innehåll: ---
Legalizing Drugs?
The topic of legalizing drugs is a complex and controversial issue that has sparked debates all over the world. Some people argue that legalizing drugs would bring various benefits, while others believe it would have harmful consequences. In this discussion, we will explore the arguments on both sides of the debate and try to understand the implications of such a decision.
Arguments in Favor of Legalizing Drugs
Reducing Crime
One of the main arguments for legalizing drugs is that it could help reduce crime. Currently, many people engage in illegal activities to obtain and sell drugs. This black market for drugs can lead to violence and dangerous situations. If drugs were legalized and regulated, these criminal activities could decrease, making our communities safer.
Generating Tax Revenue
Legalizing drugs could also provide an opportunity to generate tax revenue. Just like how we tax alcohol and tobacco, the government could tax drugs. This money could be used to fund important public services, such as education, healthcare, and drug addiction treatment programs.
Regulating Quality and Safety
When drugs are illegal, there is no way to control their quality or safety. People who use drugs often face the risk of consuming dangerous substances mixed with the drugs. Legalization would allow for regulation and quality control, reducing the health risks associated with drug use.
Personal Freedom
Some argue that adults should have the freedom to make their own choices about what they put into their bodies. Legalization would respect individual autonomy and allow people to make informed decisions about drug use.
Arguments Against Legalizing Drugs
Health Risks
Many drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are known to be highly addictive and harmful to health. Legalizing these drugs could lead to an increase in addiction rates and related health problems, putting a strain on healthcare systems.
Increased Access for Minors
Some worry that legalizing drugs would make it easier for young people to access them. Just like with alcohol and tobacco, there might be concerns about underage drug use if these substances were more readily available.
Traffic Accidents
Driving under the influence of drugs is dangerous and can lead to accidents. Legalizing drugs could lead to an increase in drug-impaired driving incidents, posing a risk to public safety.
Economic Burden
While proponents argue that legalizing drugs would generate tax revenue, opponents claim that the costs associated with dealing with the consequences of drug use, such as addiction treatment and healthcare, might outweigh the benefits.
In conclusion, the debate over legalizing drugs is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. It's essential to consider the potential benefits, such as reduced crime and increased tax revenue, as well as the risks, like health concerns and increased access for minors. Ultimately, any decision regarding drug legalization should be made carefully, taking into account the specific circumstances and needs of each community or country.
What is clear is that this is a topic that requires thoughtful consideration, research, and ongoing discussion. As we weigh the pros and cons, it's essential to prioritize the well-being and safety of individuals and communities while also respecting personal freedoms and individual choices. The path forward on this issue should be guided by a commitment to finding the best solutions for society as a whole.
Karen Bronson
The Informer, 2023-10-05
1 Why do some people argue in favor of legalizing drugs?
Svar xxx
2 What potential benefit is associated with legalizing drugs in terms of crime reduction?
Svar xxx
3 How might legalizing drugs contribute to government finances?
Svar xxx
4 What is a key health-related concern associated with legalizing drugs?
Svar xxx
5 Why are some people concerned about increased access for minors if drugs are legalized?
Svar xxx
6 What potential risk to public safety is associated with legalizing drugs?
Svar xxx
7 What argument is made regarding individual autonomy in the drug legalization debate?
Svar xxx
8 What is the main drawback related to the economic aspect of legalizing drugs?
Svar xxx
9 What is the suggested approach for making decisions about drug legalization?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 3 DEL 2 (Mycket stöd) Skriva. Resonera: Legalize Drugs?
Centralt innehåll: ---
Legalizing Drugs
The topic of legalizing drugs is a complex and controversial issue that has sparked debates all over the world. Some people argue that legalizing drugs would bring various benefits, while others believe it would have harmful consequences. In this discussion, we will explore the arguments on both sides of the debate and try to understand the implications of such a decision.
Arguments in Favor of Legalizing Drugs
Reducing Crime
One of the main arguments for legalizing drugs is that it could help reduce crime. Currently, many people engage in illegal activities to obtain and sell drugs. This black market for drugs can lead to violence and dangerous situations. If drugs were legalized and regulated, these criminal activities could decrease, making our communities safer.
Generating Tax Revenue
Legalizing drugs could also provide an opportunity to generate tax revenue. Just like how we tax alcohol and tobacco, the government could tax drugs. This money could be used to fund important public services, such as education, healthcare, and drug addiction treatment programs.
Regulating Quality and Safety
When drugs are illegal, there is no way to control their quality or safety. People who use drugs often face the risk of consuming dangerous substances mixed with the drugs. Legalization would allow for regulation and quality control, reducing the health risks associated with drug use.
Personal Freedom
Some argue that adults should have the freedom to make their own choices about what they put into their bodies. Legalization would respect individual autonomy and allow people to make informed decisions about drug use.
Arguments Against Legalizing Drugs
Health Risks
Many drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are known to be highly addictive and harmful to health. Legalizing these drugs could lead to an increase in addiction rates and related health problems, putting a strain on healthcare systems.
Increased Access for Minors
Some worry that legalizing drugs would make it easier for young people to access them. Just like with alcohol and tobacco, there might be concerns about underage drug use if these substances were more readily available.
Traffic Accidents
Driving under the influence of drugs is dangerous and can lead to accidents. Legalizing drugs could lead to an increase in drug-impaired driving incidents, posing a risk to public safety.
Economic Burden
While proponents argue that legalizing drugs would generate tax revenue, opponents claim that the costs associated with dealing with the consequences of drug use, such as addiction treatment and healthcare, might outweigh the benefits.
In conclusion, the debate over legalizing drugs is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. It's essential to consider the potential benefits, such as reduced crime and increased tax revenue, as well as the risks, like health concerns and increased access for minors. Ultimately, any decision regarding drug legalization should be made carefully, taking into account the specific circumstances and needs of each community or country.
What is clear is that this is a topic that requires thoughtful consideration, research, and ongoing discussion. As we weigh the pros and cons, it's essential to prioritize the well-being and safety of individuals and communities while also respecting personal freedoms and individual choices. The path forward on this issue should be guided by a commitment to finding the best solutions for society as a whole.
Karen Bronson
The Informer, 2023-10-05
Legalize Drugs?
The topic of legalizing drugs is a complex and controversial issue that has sparked debates all over the world. Some people argue that legalizing drugs would bring various benefits, while others believe it would have harmful consequences.
Issues Today, a weekly magazine, will focus their next issue on legalizing drugs or not.
Write your contribution to the magazine, DISCUSSING why legalization of drugs seems to be such a hot topic. Support your discussion by giving examples from the texts you have read and/or from your own experience.
Write at least 300 but not more than 600 words.
Legalize drugs?
Write the text following one of the templates below.
Legalize Drugs
Drugs in this text means xxxx. Why does legalization of drugs seem to be such a hot topic?
Legalization of drugs seems to be such a hot topic because xxxxx
In the article Legalize Drugs by Karen Bronson (The Informer. 2023-10-25) it says among other things that xxx
Also, legalization of drugs seems to be such a hot topic because xxxxx
SLUTSATS (=slutresultatet av resonemanget)
I have shown with examples why legalization of drugs seems to be such a hot topic. My conclusion is xxxx
Example: Writing a discussion text
This is an approriate TITLE as it informs the reader what the text is about.
This paragraph consists of an appropriate INTRODUCTION as it is a general description of what the text will be about. The introduction also contains a QUESTION.
This paragraph ANSWERS the QUESTION and turns the answer into a CLAIM.
This paragraph DEVELOPS THE CLAIM.
In this paragraph the author draws a CONCLUSION.
In this paragraph the author EVALUATES the CONCLUSION she has drawn by giving a different perspective.
This paragraph consists of an approriate ending that LINKS BACK TO THE INTRODUCTION and ANSWERS THE QUESTION - a second time.
MOMENT 3 DEL 3 (Mycket stöd) Tala. Resonera: Legalize Drugs?
Centralt innehåll: ---
Legalizing Drugs
The topic of legalizing drugs is a complex and controversial issue that has sparked debates all over the world. Some people argue that legalizing drugs would bring various benefits, while others believe it would have harmful consequences. In this discussion, we will explore the arguments on both sides of the debate and try to understand the implications of such a decision.
Arguments in Favor of Legalizing Drugs
Reducing Crime
One of the main arguments for legalizing drugs is that it could help reduce crime. Currently, many people engage in illegal activities to obtain and sell drugs. This black market for drugs can lead to violence and dangerous situations. If drugs were legalized and regulated, these criminal activities could decrease, making our communities safer.
Generating Tax Revenue
Legalizing drugs could also provide an opportunity to generate tax revenue. Just like how we tax alcohol and tobacco, the government could tax drugs. This money could be used to fund important public services, such as education, healthcare, and drug addiction treatment programs.
Regulating Quality and Safety
When drugs are illegal, there is no way to control their quality or safety. People who use drugs often face the risk of consuming dangerous substances mixed with the drugs. Legalization would allow for regulation and quality control, reducing the health risks associated with drug use.
Personal Freedom
Some argue that adults should have the freedom to make their own choices about what they put into their bodies. Legalization would respect individual autonomy and allow people to make informed decisions about drug use.
Arguments Against Legalizing Drugs
Health Risks
Many drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are known to be highly addictive and harmful to health. Legalizing these drugs could lead to an increase in addiction rates and related health problems, putting a strain on healthcare systems.
Increased Access for Minors
Some worry that legalizing drugs would make it easier for young people to access them. Just like with alcohol and tobacco, there might be concerns about underage drug use if these substances were more readily available.
Traffic Accidents
Driving under the influence of drugs is dangerous and can lead to accidents. Legalizing drugs could lead to an increase in drug-impaired driving incidents, posing a risk to public safety.
Economic Burden
While proponents argue that legalizing drugs would generate tax revenue, opponents claim that the costs associated with dealing with the consequences of drug use, such as addiction treatment and healthcare, might outweigh the benefits.
In conclusion, the debate over legalizing drugs is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. It's essential to consider the potential benefits, such as reduced crime and increased tax revenue, as well as the risks, like health concerns and increased access for minors. Ultimately, any decision regarding drug legalization should be made carefully, taking into account the specific circumstances and needs of each community or country.
What is clear is that this is a topic that requires thoughtful consideration, research, and ongoing discussion. As we weigh the pros and cons, it's essential to prioritize the well-being and safety of individuals and communities while also respecting personal freedoms and individual choices. The path forward on this issue should be guided by a commitment to finding the best solutions for society as a whole.
Karen Bronson
The Informer, 2023-10-05
Prepare the discussion
You have picked one of the texts above. Prepare to tell your partner about it.
Part 1 -Inform and discuss
A. Tell your partner about the text.
B. Then discuss it briefly with your partner:
- What/Who is the problem causing the legalization issue?
- Where/When does/might the legalization issue occur? How does it show?
- What could perhaps solve the legalization issue in this particular case?
Part 2 -Discuss
Now discuss with your partner different aspects of legalization.
A. How do we react to what we regard as good legalization/bad legalization? What are the effects on our daily lives? What do you think could be reactions?
4. MOMENT Mindre stöd
MOMENT 4 DEL 1 (Mindre stöd) Läsa. Resonera: Short Story
Centralt innehåll: ---
1 What is the narrator's friend's attitude toward her impending fate in the story?
Svar xxx
2 What does the narrator describe about the beach and its atmosphere in the story?
Svar xxx
3 Why does the friend want the narrator to share stories and information with her?
Svar xxx
4 What is the significance of the chimp with talking hands in the story?
Svar xxx
5 How does the friend react when the narrator mentions "earthquake weather"?
Svar xxx
6 What happens when the friend throws off her mask and tries to leave her room?
Svar xxx
7 What does the narrator dream about after falling asleep in the story?
Svar xxx
8 Why does the narrator enroll in a "Fear of Flying" class at the end of the story?
Svar xxx
9 What is the central theme or message conveyed in the story?
Svar xxx
MOMENT 4 DEL 2 (Mindre stöd) Skriva. Resonera: Short Story
Centralt innehåll: ---
In "In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried" by Amy Hempel we read, among other things, about friendship in difficult times. It also delves into the human tendency to seek distractions and maintain a sense of normalcy in the face of fear and uncertainty.
Issues Today, a weekly magazine, will focus their next issue on friendship.
Write your contribution to the magazine, DISCUSSING why friends are important. Support your discussion by giving examples from the texts you have read and/or from your own experience.
Write at least 300 but not more than 600 words. Make sure you have time to check what you have written.
Write the text following one of the templates below.
Friendship can mean xxxx. Why are friendship important?
Friendship seems to be important because xxxxx
In the novel In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried by Amy Hempel xxx
Also, Friendship seems to be important because xxxxx
SLUTSATS (=slutresultatet av resonemanget)
With examples I have shown why frienship is important. My conlusion is xxx
Example: Writing a discussion text
This is an approriate TITLE as it informs the reader what the text is about.
This paragraph consists of an appropriate INTRODUCTION as it is a general description of what the text will be about. The introduction also contains a QUESTION.
This paragraph ANSWERS the QUESTION and turns the answer into a CLAIM.
This paragraph DEVELOPS THE CLAIM.
In this paragraph the author draws a CONCLUSION.
In this paragraph the author EVALUATES the CONCLUSION she has drawn by giving a different perspective.
This paragraph consists of an approriate ending that LINKS BACK TO THE INTRODUCTION and ANSWERS THE QUESTION - a second time.
MOMENT 4 DEL 3 (Mindre stöd) Tala. Resonera: Short Story
Centralt innehåll: ---
Keep this in mind when discussing
- Stick to the topic
- Try to be as clear as possible
- Try to see what you´re discussing in a different perspective
- Try to vary the language. For example, do not start all sentences with "I"
- Try to solve linguistic problems by reformulations, explanations or clarifications
- Dare to try new words and phrases
- Dare to have British or American pronunciation
Prepare the discussion
You have picked one of the texts above. Prepare to tell your partner about it.
Part 1 -Inform and discuss
A. Tell your partner about the text.
B. Then discuss it briefly with your partner:
- What/Who is the problem causing the lack of friendship issue?
Part 2 -Discuss
Now discuss with your partner different aspects of friendship.
A. What causes lack of friendship in you? In other people? Choose two things each./p>
B. How do we react to what we regard as good friendship/bad friendship? What are the effects on our daily lives? What do you think could be reactions?
C. How do you/other people normally deal with friendship?